If Oliver Cromwell was Catholic would any of the have ever happened

Xue Sheng

All weight is underside
Well to be honest I don’t much care but due to the plethora of the current WWII speculative history/argument/absurdity posts based mostly on opinion, fantasy, nationalism and/or patriotism with little or no historic fact to back it up I thought it might be a good idea to start a post that addressed all the other possible silliness based on “what if” historical scenarios

If George Washington wasn’t the commanding General of the Revolutionary war would the Germans have sunk the Lusitania?

If Napoleon did not escape from Elba….. would Russia still be ruled by a Czar?

If the Mongols successfully invaded Japan….. would the Japanese have bombed Pearl Harbor?

What if Mao was born in Harbin…. Would there be Chinese take out?

If I never logged on to MT today…would I have had a salad for lunch?

If Churchill didn’t smoke Cigars…would he and Roosevelt played canasta and forget all about Germany... and what about Stalin...If he did not have a mustache…would the Germans have been able to take Russia?

Now if the Younger Dryas never occurred…. Would there be an America at all?

If Rome fell to Carthage or Persia….would there be a ham sandwich?

And my favorite.... If the Titanic didn't hit the iceberg...would it have sunk?


I was going to post a rant at how disgusted I was with this and how I was losing respect for some based on these opinionated, nationalistic views of a history that never happened but this was so much more enjoyable :asian:

It appears Winston Churchill was wrong when he said "History is written by the victors.”...apparently it belongs the writers of fantasy and fiction. and Oliver Stone might agree....hell most people think his movie JFK was historical fact :rolleyes:

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Dude, you should be writing some of the Netflix commercials :D
Totally off-topic but was the 'young wife' in that clip the criminally under-appreciated Connie Booth?

This is more interesting.

If that is more interesting then why do you bother reading this thread at all?

And if it is more interesting…would the UN have ever existed?

And if Peter the Great didn't like ship building would the failure of the Maginot Line be Edward VIII's fault?

If King Arthur was never written about.... would the fall of the Sudetenland be England’s fault

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Totally off-topic but was the 'young wife' in that clip the criminally under-appreciated Connie Booth?

I'd be rather surprised if it wasn't, Suke. It's either her, or her even more criminally underrated and underappreciated (and far less well-known) twin sister.....
Sorry, I don't know and I don't know who Connie Booth is.

Connie Booth was most famous for her role in Fawlty Towers as the receptionist/waitress/general help. What is not so well know is that she co-wrote Fawlty Towers, was involved in Monty Python and was married to John Cleese for a short time.

I had a quick dig on the Net and was surprised to find that, somewhat like the wonderful Pamela Stevenson, she lost her vibe for comedy and became a therapist instead:

If America didn't build the Buick... would Monty Python have ever been on the BBC

And if you don't like spam... why to you eat...I mean read it?

If America didn't get into WW II...would John Wayne made True Grit?
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*indignant response* No I didn't!

I think it's time I bugger off.
Connie Booth was most famous for her role in Fawlty Towers as the receptionist/waitress/general help. What is not so well know is that she co-wrote Fawlty Towers, was involved in Monty Python and was married to John Cleese for a short time.

I had a quick dig on the Net and was surprised to find that, somewhat like the wonderful Pamela Stevenson, she lost her vibe for comedy and became a therapist instead:


I was brought up on Monty Pythons and Faulty Towers. Memorized a lot of inappropriate dialogue (didn't understand half of it) but didn't pay attention to the actors names.
IÂ’m sorry I spent the weekend getting confused in a sailboatÂ… and no longer careÂ… or at least I think I no longer careÂ… but then I did start this by saying I was confused so it is entirely possible that I do care but I am not aware of it because I am confused or I could be altogether wrong about being confused since I was or I am confusedÂ… about being confused in the first place...
The most interesting thing about King Charles I is that he was 5'6" tall at the start of his reign,
but only 4'8" at the end of it...
Because of...
Oliver Cromwell, Lord Protector of England!

If Pliny the Elder hadn't authored Naturalis Historia would Russian River have ever created such a great IPA in his honor? Or, would they have created it, but instead named after a customer's friend's uncle, Herm Eubanks?

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