Enough as to how SGM Parker died! Doesn't matter. Lets focus on how he lived. I myself let myself go a bit on recent years just to once again get in shape. I regularly use my AK at work. Even out of shape, fat, lazy, possibly hung over, it worked. Why? If taught properly AK will work. I dealt with wrestlers and boxers and a TKD trained inmate, in the end, they all ended up on the ground wearing a pair of my matching bracelets. Fat as I was kenpo still did the trick.
Why are we asking what would kenpo be if SGM Parker was alive? Look into you! Look unto those who have to use it and the answers will be right there!
On December, 06 I was invited to the MA dojo of a good friend of mine. He is an accomplished grappler with many MMA trophies, an athlete. Me, a somewhat overweight, but solid prison guard. We compared notes on our respective systems. He had some FMA training so we compared our knife techs. I explained to him how people really get stabbed in the real world, how I've gotten stabbed 3 times. Its all nice when you're attacked in text book fashion, but when a raging bull charges you with a knife is another story.
Lastly we spared. We decided to compare our systems where it counts out on the mat. He as a grappler went in for a take down, as he shot in I snap-kicked him on his left knee, keeping contact to a minimum but letting him know that it was there. We went down, as we did I sandwiched his head with two open-hand ear slaps, then an elbow and a hammer fist to the back of the neck. As he mounted I raked his eyes, hammered to his groin and clawed at his face. Lastly as he set up for an arm bar I bit him on his leg. I think the only thing I didn't do was spit on his eyes. The thought did cross my mind.
Did he win? You could say so given that none of my strikes were aimed at hurting him so he continued his fight while I did mine. He did get up with his eyes wide open. He knew what had just happened had it been for real. He gained a true respect for AK.
Oh yes! I also get the:"Well he can also fight dirty." from the MMA crowd. Yeah and if a frog had wings it wouldn't bump its *** when it jumps. My reply is unless you trained for it, the Combat Fairy will not come during a fight and tap you on the head.
Once again, train as you fight.