If it was George W. Bush in office...


And if I or anyone else used Wiki as proof of anything what would you say :lfao:

Besides that is different from what you said before... you said and I quote "Libya is all on obama"

And now you are saying "the Libyan civil war was all on obama"

Those are not the same

I think I shall follow the advice of Mark Twain and end this now
You should read more carefully. The civil war happened in 2011. Bush was out of office in 2008. The American participation in the European intervention in the Libyan civil war is all on obama. He took us into it without congress, unlike Bush who had congressional approval for both Iraq and Afghanistan, so the after math of the civil war and the mess at the embassy is on him.

He and his administration lied about the attack on the embassy, as was learned today at the hearings and they refused to give proper security to the embassy, after they had repeatedly asked for help. There were no protests at the consulate/embassy, which they lied about for eight days, it was not about the video, which they lied about, and had Bush done the same thing, this close to an election, his opponent wouldn't have had to cook the jobs numbers to cover up an embarrassing debate performance. You wouldn't have heard anything but the scandal in Libya.
You should read more carefully. The civil war happened in 2011. Bush was out of office in 2008. The American participation in the European intervention in the Libyan civil war is all on obama. He took us into it without congress, unlike Bush who had congressional approval for both Iraq and Afghanistan, so the after math of the civil war and the mess at the embassy is on him.

He and his administration lied about the attack on the embassy, as was learned today at the hearings and they refused to give proper security to the embassy, after they had repeatedly asked for help. There were no protests at the consulate/embassy, which they lied about for eight days, it was not about the video, which they lied about, and had Bush done the same thing, this close to an election, his opponent wouldn't have had to cook the jobs numbers to cover up an embarrassing debate performance. You wouldn't have heard anything but the scandal in Libya.

I read rather carefully and you changed your statement.... and per your usual MO ignored most of what was posted..... so where does that leave this....well... You either have no idea what I am saying, which says I should listen to Mr Twain, or you have so blinded by your Republican fervor and hatred for all things Democrat you refuse to understand what I am saying.....once again I am back to Mr Twain and I shall listen to him now...so at this point...I shall say one should not argue with a zealot and leave it at that…. Now please continue to rail at all the democrat windmills you desire and be blinded by words like Republican and Democrat.... I will say this though…they ain’t all hat different

Have a nice day
The Iraq war can be debated some other time...Libya is all on obama...

You brought up Bush not being given a pass on something he did. I show you different, so of course it is on to talk about something else.

1)obama alone put us into the Libyan civil war to oust kadafi

Libya was not all Obama, but if it was, good on him. He took a country that had its fingers in terrorism and made it pro-American, by saving Benghazi without any US casualties, I might add. Seems like quite the foriegn affairs victory.

2)he used American military power, while leading from behind the Europeans to destabilize Libya by helping rebels to depose kadafi.

Yes, he let the Europeans lead and use thier resources as well as ours so we didn't take the brunt of the hit to our treasurey or equipment or make it look like we were attacking yet another Middle Eastern country. Libya was already in a civil war and "destabalized" before we got involved. Again, we saved the population of Bengahzi and helped get rid of a madman. Being a Republican, I would think you could appreciate at least the later part of that sentence.

3)knowing that Libya was destabilized, he failed to secure kadafi's weapons caches allowing untold amounts of deadly weapons to fall into the hands of radical islamists, some of which were probably used to attack our consulate and kill our ambassador
By the time we were involved in Libiya, most of those weapons cache's were already looted. Since we didn't have boots on the ground, how exactly were we to secure those weapons? Are you proposing that we should have sent troops in? Those weapons also wound up in the hands of those supporting the democratic government. Finally, you have no clue or proof of where the weapons came from used in the attack. None. It is just as likely that they were supplied by Iran to the extremsit. They do that quite a bit.

4)knowing Libya was unstable, with radical, anti-American islamists with ties to al queada in the country, his state department refused requests for additional security for the embassy.
Libiya itself is not radical or Anti-American. They actually like us over there. Libyian security forces were also wounde and some KILLED in defense of the compound. Yes, there are radicalized Muslims in Libya, much as in many other countries in the Middle East. However, you do not know why the extra security was not in place. Just like you seem not to understand that it wasn't our Embassy that was attacked, but rather a safe house compound in another city.

5)knowing how exposed the embassy was on the anniversary of 9/11, he did nothing to prevent the consulate from falling into the hands of the terrorists, and having our embassy personnel murdered.
Again, another unproven accusation. Also, yet again, consulate implies embassy, and it was not the emassy that was attacked.

So yeah, if Bush had done all of this, it would be on every media station, 24/7 seven days a week going into the election.
Perhaps, but if you want to use Bush as a yardstick against Obama, you better look at all the ugly there before you start comparing.


I do not know where you are getting your information, but you should seriously reconsider using that resource in future arguements. Too many holes in it.
Bush "dragged" us into Iraq, a war that didn't have to be. Unlike GW, in Libya, Obama got the job done "without getting his hands dirty."

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