If I ever have a Child

I had a spectacular name chosen for our firstborn, but it turned out she was a girl, and so the name was inappropriate. Either way, mom didn't like the name that I came up with, so I offer it to my friends at Martial Talk if anyone wants it.

Please, I encourage you to name your next boy Winchester Maximus. It just reeks of power, doesn't it?
Nah, I think if I have a son, I am gonna name him Gothmog.
All of you scare me. You really, really scare me. :rofl:

Oh, becareful what you teach them. You will be first on their list.

JPR said:
Oh, becareful what you teach them. You will be first on their list.
This was my husband's argument for not teaching our children martial arts or my daughter about weapons ... "You know who'll be their first victims - US!"
I have a copy of everyone poops. I bought it at a goodwill in hawai'i. How could I resist??