If Christians Were Treated Like Muslims

Big Don

Sr. Grandmaster
If Christians Were Treated Like Muslimsby Gary Bauer Human Events EXCERPT:

Posted 12/28/2010 ET

Few Americans would deny that Judeo-Christian beliefs and values informed the Founding of this country and that they continue to shape much of American life today. Nor would many of us deny that Americans who embrace Islamic values are a distinct minority here.

I raise these two facts because of an emerging reality: that, in a variety of contexts, American Muslims are treated better than American Christians. That might seem like a bizarre assertion, so think about it in another way: What if the Christians were treated like Muslims in America, and Muslims like Christians?

If Muslims were treated like Christians in America, Muslims would have to tolerate the defamation of their holiest images in our national museums, acts which would be called "artwork" -- and, if particularly provocative, even given taxpayer-funded grants from the National Endowment for the Arts. They would also have to accept Korans being burned and thrown into toilets, which instead of inciting worldwide outrage and retribution would provoke a collective shrug of the shoulders.

If Muslims were treated like Christians, Muslims would be mocked by late night TV talk show hosts and lampooned in crude cartoon parodies. If Christians were treated like Muslims, conspicuous Christianity would be celebrated by our elites as a sign of our diversity and open-mindedness, not disparaged as an embarrassment, a nuisance and a breach of the law.
If Christianity were treated like Islam in America, our president, a professed Christian, would proudly attend Christian-themed dinners and events while skipping Ramadan dinners, not vice versa. And Muslim politicians would go out of their way to assure people that their faith would not affect their policy-making.

If Christianity were treated like Islam, Christmas and Easter would be publicly celebrated for what they are &#8212; the signature events of Christianity, marking the birth and the death and Resurrection of Christ &#8212; not stripped of all their theological meaning and transformed into secular holidays devoted to crass consumerism.

If Christians were treated like Muslims, NASA would be tasked with reaching out to Christians and recognizing their faith's profound achievements and contributions to science, math and engineering, instead of being told to make Muslims feel good about their rather meager scientific accomplishments.

The notion that American Muslims face discrimination, even to the point of violence, is often posited by America's elites. But that idea evaporates under scrutiny. Remarkably few hate crimes are reported against Muslims (fewer than one-eighth those against Jews). What's more, Muslim immigration to America has risen sharply since September 11, 2001, and Muslims thrive, economically and educationally, once they arrive.

In fact, it is Christians, not Muslims, who increasingly encounter cultural elites who are hostile to their beliefs and values.

Sadly, Christians will never be treated like Muslims by America's elites. Why? Because Christianity can be attacked without fear of retribution. The Christian response to insult and attack -- "to turn the other cheek" -- contradicts the knee-jerk call to violence of many Islamists.
Way over a hundred views and yet no comments? Gee. I guess Bauer really hit the nail on the head.
They were! Don't you remember reading about how the romans used to persecute them way back when very large animals roamed the earth? They were fed to the lions and tigers in the gladiator rings.
Who exactly is treating the Christians badly? The atheists? Jews? Muslims? "The people"?
Well, one indication is the reporter on one of the cable shows who apologized for having to use the term, "Christmas Party" to explain where she had been.
Well, one indication is the reporter on one of the cable shows who apologized for having to use the term, "Christmas Party" to explain where she had been.

I expect that may be because she was at a Bar Mitzvah and called it a Christmas party by mistake? Or she was at a communist meeting where they plotted taking over the world and said it was a Christmas party?

Perhaps she went to the toilet and called it a Christmas party?

so much to worry about, so little time in which to worry about the socialists ROFL

You know I keep hearing about people getting into trouble saying merry Christmas instead of happy holidays, but IÂ’ve never meet anyone who has an issue with it. I have a half dozen Muslim friends, last week each of them wished me a merry Christmas. A couple of them celebrate Christmas from a secular basis, they give gifts from Santa. IÂ’ve been invited to their dinners during Ramadan. IÂ’m an atheist and its all fine by me!

Governments should be very cautious and concerned about what they say and do. People can say and do as they wish. Most people will wish you all the best, even though they may not agree with your beliefs, because most people are generally easy going nice people.
You know I keep hearing about people getting into trouble saying merry Christmas instead of happy holidays, but I&#8217;ve never meet anyone who has an issue with it. I have a half dozen Muslim friends, last week each of them wished me a merry Christmas. A couple of them celebrate Christmas from a secular basis, they give gifts from Santa. I&#8217;ve been invited to their dinners during Ramadan. I&#8217;m an atheist and its all fine by me!

Governments should be very cautious and concerned about what they say and do. People can say and do as they wish. Most people will wish you all the best, even though they may not agree with your beliefs, because most people are generally easy going nice people.

I do that too, and I'm not christian. I'm an agnostic. but i love christmas and i wish people merry christmas.

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