identity parade


Master Black Belt
For some reason, the first 8 techniques in our system are referred to as yellow 1-4 and orange 1-4, not by EPAK names.

I always assumed this was because they were ones that Phil had made up rather than EPAK ones, but then I identified one as Attacking Mace (I think...).

Maybe people can put names then to these explanations (pasted in out of my big notes file, 7000 words that bugger!), or maybe they aren't EPAK ones, not sure.

If they are EPAK it'd be nice to put names to them, althoguh it's not essential don't feel forced to read through them!



Yellow Belt

Tech 1, against left jab

1. step back into a left fighting stance executing a right rear palm block (leave high as a check), drawing left fist to hip,

2. left lead thrust punch to floating rib, turning opponent,

3. rear roundhouse shin or knee to opponent's leading thigh depending on distance, optionally breaking/hyperflexing arm.


Tech 2, against right cross (Attacking Mace?)

1. step back into a left fighting stance executing a left lead palm block, leaving high as a check, and drawing right fist to hip,

2. execute a right rear thrust punch to opponent's floating rib, turning opponent and coming into a left forwards stance,

3. bring punching hand up and grab the opponent's outstretched arm, and then pull them into a rear snap kick to the solar plexus.


Tech 3, against a right rear roundhouse

1. from a left fighting stance, execute lead outside leg jam,
2. fall into a jab cross to the head and chest.


Tech 4, against a left lead jab then low lead roundhouse combo

1. from a left fighting stance, shuffle back as you execute a right rear palm block,

2. a lead inside leg jam blocks their lead roundhouse,

3. shuffle in and jab cross to the head and chest.


Orange Belt

Tech 1, against a right step through punch

1. stepping forward with the left leg to 10 o' clock into a left fighting stance, and moving the head to the side, execute a left lead hand parry and draw the right ridgehand back to the right thigh ready for a ridge hand strike,

2. execute the ridge hand strike to the opponent's neck in a sweeping arc as you come into a left forwards stance,

3. pushing below the shoulder with the left hand and pulling into the jugular artery with the right wrist, maintain a lock on the neck,

4. rear roundhouse knee to the chest area.


Tech 2, against an attempted tackle from behind

1. right back kick to stomach/chest, plant foot to rear,

2. pivot into right fighting stance and left rear front kick/knee to the groin.


Tech 3, against a right rear hammerlock to the neck

1. grab their arm with your right hand, step to the left into a horse stance, pivoting to the left and coming up onto the ball of the right foot as you execute a left rear elbow to the solar plexus,

2. exchange grabbing hands, pivot onto the ball of the left foot and execute a right rear elbow to the solar plexus,

3. pull the arm down into the crook of your arm and return to the central horse position and then drop the right shoulder towards the left knee in order to execute the throw,

4. control the arm and punch to the face.


Tech 4, against a two handed lapel grab

1. rake the left hand across the eyes in an arc, then down and countergrab the opponent's left wrist at the joint,

2. step forwards in between the opponent's legs into a right fighting stance and whilst maintaining the lock (this twists the arm) and execute a short range right uppercut to the floating ribs,

3. finish with a hook punch to the face, pivoting round onto the ball of the right foot in order to draw to opponent forwards you, then follow with a backwards elbow to the throat as you drop back into the right fighting stance
I don't know where you are studying or who you're under but those aren't EPAK techniques I know from reading them. Your terminology is different as well so I have to see what you are doing before I would know if they are even effective. I have a question about pulling the hands back to the hip or thigh readying for a shot, is Point of Origin even mentioned in your training?

Have a great Kenpo day

Originally posted by ProfessorKenpo

I don't know where you are studying or who you're under but those aren't EPAK techniques I know from reading them. Your terminology is different as well so I have to see what you are doing before I would know if they are even effective. I have a question about pulling the hands back to the hip or thigh readying for a shot, is Point of Origin even mentioned in your training?

Have a great Kenpo day


It's mentioned occasionally but only really mumbled in passing, I don't think we've ever been given a proper explanation.

All out other techniques are EPAK, I just wondered if the first ones were (if you know your stuff and don't recognise them then they probably aren't).

That's the start of my huuuuuge Word file with all my tequniques in, so the terminology is just whatever I used at the time to help me remember them, what seems so strange particularly?

Originally posted by satans.barber

It's mentioned occasionally but only really mumbled in passing, I don't think we've ever been given a proper explanation.

All out other techniques are EPAK, I just wondered if the first ones were (if you know your stuff and don't recognise them then they probably aren't).

That's the start of my huuuuuge Word file with all my tequniques in, so the terminology is just whatever I used at the time to help me remember them, what seems so strange particularly?


Is there a reason your instructors have changed the original curriculum? If so, maybe that's why they don't use the same terminolgy as EPAK, or if they do, why they don't delve into it as much. You can find alot of the material you're talking about in written curriculum at Look in the flame section on the left and look for the written curriculum, and you'll also find some nifty avi's of the yellow belt stuff to see if it matches up.

Have a great Kenpo day

Originally posted by ProfessorKenpo

Is there a reason your instructors have changed the original curriculum? If so, maybe that's why they don't use the same terminolgy as EPAK, or if they do, why they don't delve into it as much. You can find alot of the material you're talking about in written curriculum at Look in the flame section on the left and look for the written curriculum, and you'll also find some nifty avi's of the yellow belt stuff to see if it matches up.

Have a great Kenpo day


The curriculum has been changed to make it shorter and more accessible, and also more street fighting orientated. As part of that the instructors try to steer away from motion science principles a little, there's some in there, but they're not heavily discussed (at lower belts anyway, we get into it more higher up).

It is all derrived from EPAK though, so all of the principles are still there. Just not in as great a quantity.

What you have to remember is that a lot of students are only looking to lose a few pounds and make some new friends, especially a lot of the female students (out school is about 35-40% females now), and laying a lot of heavy martial arts theory on them scares these people away, which is bad for business and moral!

I downloaded all the videos from the Flame the other day and couldn't play a single one, they appear to be corrupted. Even virtualdub couldn't extract the headers from them.

Speaking of video clips, of all the ones I've gathered....

[ian@dilbert ian]$ du -sh /mnt/personal/Martial\ Arts/
741M /mnt/personal/Martial Arts
[ian@dilbert ian]$

...741Mb worth (!) I've never found any clips of Ed Parker on-line, has anyone else or are they all confined to crusty old VHS tapes?

The curriculum has been changed to make it shorter and more accessible, and also more street fighting orientated. As part of that the instructors try to steer away from motion science principles a little, there's some in there, but they're not heavily discussed (at lower belts anyway, we get into it more higher up).

What you have to remember is that a lot of students are only looking to lose a few pounds and make some new friends, especially a lot of the femail students (out school is about 35-40% femails now), and laying a lot of heavy martial arts theory on them scares these people away, which is bad for business and moral!

I downloaded all the videos from the Flame the other day and couldn't play a single one, they appear to be corrupted. Even virtualdub couldn't extract the headers from them.

Now you've gotten to the crux of the situation, thank you for doing so. Seems you're at a loss for some real smash and bang-em-up kenpo. As far as cutting the system down to make it more street oriented, I can't say that's the reason as every Kenpo technique I know is street oriented. Possibly belt oriented and with the warm fuzzies associated to stay in business. I know the reasons, which is why I closed my studio when I didn't promote people when they thought they should have been or thought they knew enough to go to the next rank, or who had seen someone from another studio get their BB in 18 months, all good reasons. I'm instructor, not a babysitter, and will continue to teach the curriculum as outlined in Infinite Insights (the 24 system, however slightly out of order depending on the students ability) and teach it with all the bumps and bruises associated with learning Self Defense. I don't teach people to loose weight or anything else (that's what the health clubs are there for, and they provide a babysitting service as well) other than to protect themselves at all costs (including firearms and other weapons). If that's not for them, they need not come to me for instruction.

About the videos on the Kenponet, did you contact Josh and let him know, I have no trouble downloading them at all. It could be a conflicting program on your computer as well. Another alternative is to buy the Yellow belt tapes (or all of them) from Larry Tatum, I hear they're very good (see my profile).

Have a great Kenpo day

Originally posted by ProfessorKenpo

Now you've gotten to the crux of the situation, thank you for doing so. Seems you're at a loss for some real smash and bang-em-up kenpo. As far as cutting the system down to make it more street oriented, I can't say that's the reason as every Kenpo technique I know is street oriented. Possibly belt oriented and with the warm fuzzies associated to stay in business. I know the reasons, which is why I closed my studio when I didn't promote people when they thought they should have been or thought they knew enough to go to the next rank, or who had seen someone from another studio get their BB in 18 months, all good reasons.

Well, I wasn't the one who cut it down, I only know Phil's reasoning. In my opinion he's mostly done a good job, we just need some forms brining back in and some principles explaining that are never mentioned. The 24 and even the 16 systems are way too complex for what the average person is after.

How do you mean I'm short of 'real smash and bang-em-up kenpo'? You don't know what we do or how we train! Just because some people have come to improve fitness doesn't mean we treat it like a $$%&^"£ Tai Bo class! There's hard sparring, hard techniques and hard attitide every single session, lots of heavy pad work and lots of 'bumps and bruises associated with learning Self Defense'. We simply manage to cater for people wanting to improve their health and havea bit if fun as well as the serious martial artists, however, there are certain compromises associated with striking such a compromise (sic. Motion Science lectures).

About the videos on the Kenponet, did you contact Josh and let him know, I have no trouble downloading them at all. It could be a conflicting program on your computer as well. Another alternative is to buy the Yellow belt tapes (or all of them) from Larry Tatum, I hear they're very good (see my profile).

I didn't contact him no, I probably should. I really don't think it's my computer, it's my job so I know what I'm doing with them ;)

Larry Tatum tapes, har-de-har:

"The BKKU is proud to announce that we are official distributors of Master Larry Tatums Technique Videos, Below is a list of videos available each costs £22 or buy all 21 videos for only £360 Inclusive of Postage and Packing."

Alas, I don't have over 2 month's wages available to spend on Tatum's tapes, I have bills to pay and food to buy! They should be less than half that price.

How do you mean I'm short of 'real smash and bang-em-up kenpo'? You don't know what we do or how we train! Just because some people have come to improve fitness doesn't mean we treat it like a $$%&^"£ Tai Bo class! There's hard sparring, hard techniques and hard attitide every single session, lots of heavy pad work and lots of 'bumps and bruises associated with learning Self Defense'. We simply manage to cater for people wanting to improve their health and havea bit if fun as well as the serious martial artists, however, there are certain compromises associated with striking such a compromise (sic. Motion Science lectures

The way you explained it was the way I took it, I told you I've know idea and I did put SEEMS.

Have a great Kenpo day

Originally posted by ProfessorKenpo

The way you explained it was the way I took it, I told you I've know idea and I did put SEEMS.

Have a great Kenpo day


Fair enough, just as long as you know we're not shirking!

I've re-downloaded these videos and they seem OK now, maybe my browser was having a bad day when I got them before. They'd look better if the guy was doing them on someone rather than thin air though, makes them difficult to visualise.

Yea, the videos need a good dummy in them to see them in their truest form, but Josh is working on it so be patient. As far as Larry's videos go, you get what you pay for, and his are the best on the market I've seen (besides the fact I'm in them) so they may be worth the extra expense from time to time to buy one or two. There are lots of others with tapes out there, but once again, you get what you pay for, and some of them are not the best quality and/or not good instruction on them (Al Farnsworth's videos are horrible in content, instruction and quality but good for a few laughs). I'm sure you can find something within your expense limit if you want to catch up to the standard EPAK curriculum. The Encyclopedia of Kenpo is probably the first thing you should get as it explains all the terminology, mind you, some of the terms you gotta feel to understand it (gravitational check comes to mind LOL).

Have a great Kenpo day

Me and a buddy split the Tatum videos and I was very impressed with the tapes...they are expensive but the best Ive seen and some outstanding kenpo with good material he does alot of teaching whats "in" motion instead of just saying "do this". I enjoy them

That good eh?

Hmm, I might wait until Christmas then and see if people want to but me one or two as presents, good gift ideas!

Originally posted by satans.barber

I've never found any clips of Ed Parker on-line, has anyone else or are they all confined to crusty old VHS tapes?


I put SGM Parker doing short 3 on my site months ago...

It's not really very good quality, but if it works for you and you appreciate the effort, all that I ask is that you sign my guestbook so you can say you were there....


p.s. I agree that Mr. Tatum's technique tapes are great.
Originally posted by jbkenpo

I put SGM Parker doing short 3 on my site months ago...

It's not really very good quality, but if it works for you and you appreciate the effort, all that I ask is that you sign my guestbook so you can say you were there....


p.s. I agree that Mr. Tatum's technique tapes are great.

Hehe, I guess a few people grabbed it before me, we've sent your site over geocities' bandwidth quota! I'll try again later.


I couldn't get in to see it either. I will try again sometime later. Hey Jason if you know that it comes up later could you post it here saying something like it's working now or something? If not no big deal I'll keep on trying. Thanks for the link
Jason Farnsworth

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