Ideas for Zoom classes.

yak sao

Senior Master
Aug 18, 2008
Reaction score
Ok. I mentioned on another thread that I've been doing some online sessions with a few students.

Any ideas of things to go over?
So far we've delved into form details and I've usec the dummy to help with explaining distancing and timing and some lat sao type drills.
Ok. I mentioned on another thread that I've been doing some online sessions with a few students.
Any ideas of things to go over?
So far we've delved into form details and I've usec the dummy to help with explaining distancing and timing and some lat sao type drills.

Hey Yak, I've been really missing the WT/WC. I've gained a lot of weight and feel crappy. Any chance you could get me into one of your zoom sessions as a guest? I'd love to see what you guys are working on!
I was about to start a thread asking if anyone was currently doing any online training, then I saw your post. I've seen some great stuff on the interwebs lately; live-streaming on Facebook, Instagram and Zoom.

Any ideas of things to go over?
Maybe ask your students what they would like to go over, or a Q&A or sorts. This can also be done at the end of each session.

Depending on how far you want to go with forms, you could also continue to break each one down for multiple, 1 hour streaming sessions. That would be cool. Perhaps describe each shape/action and it's purpose etc. With your experience, there's like 9 hours of training material right there if you do them in 3 sections each.

I've also seen a few really solid online dummy workshops that were on point for all level practitioners. Maybe include examples of how the shapes attack the center, footwork placement before, during and after creating an action... how the shapes from the forms relate back to the dummy with energy etc. No need for the practitioner to have an actual dummy to understand these concepts. A ton of material here as well.

Footwork. You could include Juen Mah, stepping, traveling, mobility, angling etc...

Punching concepts are also fun to dissect and analyze. It could be a great opportunity to combine the concepts of Juen Mah and Yiu Mah to discuss waist power while hitting a wall bag.

Just throwing out ideas that I'm sure you have already thought of. Its hard not knowing where your guys are in your curriculum, what you teach and how much you want to review etc... I'm just glad to see more people in the community sharing online. Good work!

On a side note - I visited your Facebook page and I love your wooden kwoon! Super cool.
Hey Yak, I've been really missing the WT/WC. I've gained a lot of weight and feel crappy. Any chance you could get me into one of your zoom sessions as a guest? I'd love to see what you guys are working on!

Heck yeah.
We do them on Sat mornings.
1030 Eastern time.
That makes it pretty early for you with the time change, maybe you and I could do a one on one later in the day?
I was about to start a thread asking if anyone was currently doing any online training, then I saw your post. I've seen some great stuff on the interwebs lately; live-streaming on Facebook, Instagram and Zoom.

Maybe ask your students what they would like to go over, or a Q&A or sorts. This can also be done at the end of each session.

Depending on how far you want to go with forms, you could also continue to break each one down for multiple, 1 hour streaming sessions. That would be cool. Perhaps describe each shape/action and it's purpose etc. With your experience, there's like 9 hours of training material right there if you do them in 3 sections each.

I've also seen a few really solid online dummy workshops that were on point for all level practitioners. Maybe include examples of how the shapes attack the center, footwork placement before, during and after creating an action... how the shapes from the forms relate back to the dummy with energy etc. No need for the practitioner to have an actual dummy to understand these concepts. A ton of material here as well.

Footwork. You could include Juen Mah, stepping, traveling, mobility, angling etc...

Punching concepts are also fun to dissect and analyze. It could be a great opportunity to combine the concepts of Juen Mah and Yiu Mah to discuss waist power while hitting a wall bag.

Just throwing out ideas that I'm sure you have already thought of. Its hard not knowing where your guys are in your curriculum, what you teach and how much you want to review etc... I'm just glad to see more people in the community sharing online. Good work!

On a side note - I visited your Facebook page and I love your wooden kwoon! Super cool.

Thanks for the tips.

Yeah, I love my little building.
It's great as long as the temp stays in the mid 40s and up, otherwise too cold for my blood.
The only thing I can recommend is to require that students submit videos.
The only thing I can recommend is to require that students submit videos.
Ask your student to create a form that the 1st 1/2 of the form can match the 2nd 1/2 of the form.

This can serve 2 purposes:

1. the 1st 1/2 and 2nd 1/2 of the form has to be - move 1 set up move 2, move 2 set up move 3, ...
2. The 2nd 1/2 of the form is how to counter the 1st 1/2 of the form.

Of course you can have both offense and defense in both parts of the form. You can start with 10 moves and then extend to 20 moves, 30 moves, ...
Ask your student to create a form that the 1st 1/2 of the form can match the 2nd 1/2 of the form.

This can serve 2 purposes:

1. the 1st 1/2 and 2nd 1/2 of the form has to be - move 1 set up move 2, move 2 set up move 3, ...
2. The 2nd 1/2 of the form is how to counter the 1st 1/2 of the form.

Of course you can have both offense and defense in both parts of the form. You can start with 10 moves and then extend to 20 moves, 30 moves, ...
The class that I'm in the Sifu will post a technique and then ask us to show it 10 times each side and the train it 30 times a day. I have 50 kicks that I need to just get out of the way. I'm 3 days late on it. Homework is past due and I just need to do it and be done with it.I'll definitely be recording it tonight tough. As to your point my teacher is currently only teaching techniques, no forms. Which is fine because this is how the classes are taught at most Jow Ga schools. Everyone learns techniques which are found in the form and then we learn the the form. He encourages the non-beginner students to do what you have sated and it's resulted in some really freaky looking stuff lol. Buts it's good for learning what fits and what doesn't
With our zoom classes we didn't do anything too complicated. Just worked on foundation drills for the last month and a bit. Mainly working on Yi Ji Kim Yeung Ma, Juen Ma and single centreline punches and then the Sup Yi Sik from Sum Nung wing chun.

It's beginning to look like our lockdown is beginning to wind down, we had our first session together last night in my garage and will probably go back to normal classes as the University opens up again.
It's beginning to look like our lockdown is beginning to wind down, we had our first session together last night in my garage and will probably go back to normal classes as the University opens up again.
I just have my 1st class today outdoor (I still won't allow anybody to come inside my house). Both my student and I had masks on. We also kept 6 feet apart.

Today we work on:

- solo drills.
- staff technique, and
- sword technique.
I'd recommend having all zoom participants get really drunk first, then zoom as they do the knife form with live blades. Should be interesting. :D:D:D
I'd recommend having all zoom participants get really drunk first, then zoom as they do the knife form with live blades. Should be interesting. :D:D:D

...Or long pole work in their crowded living rooms ...just wait for the inevitable smash ...and watch as a hardened martial artist is pummeled into absolute submission by their irate spouse! :eek::eek::eek:
Heck yeah.
We do them on Sat mornings.
1030 Eastern time.
That makes it pretty early for you with the time change, maybe you and I could do a one on one later in the day?
Would to check your class well

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