Iaido Organizations

Thanks! I pulled the list from Wiki so I suspect there's room for enhancement :)
Another one is: Nippon Iaido Renmei or Japan Iaido Federation. The Federation is made up of 3 Ryuha's
1. Mugai Ryu
2. Muso Jikiden Eishin Ryu
3. Muso Shinden Ryu
Ummm, Robert, that would be the Zen Nippon Iaido Renmei that Charles referred to in the post immediately before yours. :)
Dear Bob,

I came across a great advert for master otake to come to ireland this year and posted a comment about it in the swords forum. i have since been told that it should have gone into the forum for events etc as an advert in its own right. i tried to do this but was refused. could you give me any help in this matter as i feel it is very important and any swordsman or would be sowrdsman should see this.

i dont have anything to do with the advert myself but happened across it during research. bbc's "the way of the warrior" sparked my interest in it.

I'm guessing that this would be the place to ask if Iado is realted to Iajutsu the art of drawing.

Well the Japanese swords and swords arts forum is the correct place to ask, not on a sticky thread of organizations.....

To answer your question, yes, basically they are one and the same.
Actually, he was correct. They are two different organizations. As was already stated above, one is called the Zen Nippon Iaido Renme and the other, which we ( Sensei Robert Smith & I ) belong to, is the Nippon Iaido Renme.An easy mistake to make. Sorry, I know this is very late in coming....I don't get on here much these days.
Ummm, Robert, that would be the Zen Nippon Iaido Renmei that Charles referred to in the post immediately before yours. :)

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