Iaido in the Seattle Area?


Green Belt
Nov 21, 2006
Reaction score
Wenatchee, WA
Iaido in the Seattle area? -- I have found a few places listed on the web, but am wondering if anyone has personal knowledge of schools in the greater Puget Sound area. Any info is appreciated.

I know nothing personally about the schools in Wash. state, but I was able to get a list of kendo schools there from the All-US Kendo Federation (many of which also teach iaido). Several of these schools are in Seattle, a few are in Bellevue; many have websites for getting additional info.

Here is the list.

Hope this helps.

PS: I have a good friend from my Air Force days out in Wenatchee. How big/small a community is it?
There is an iado place (or was) just down the street from the UW, if you head down the hill towards the water parallel to I-5 it is right on the corner before you turn. Otherwise there are severa in the Sea-Tac area including some of the colleges and community colleges.
Isn't Phil Rielnik (TSKSR) in Seattle.
I think you can find his address on Koryu.com

good luck mate!