I work with a gun toting idiot.


I understand from posts above that your colleague is not up to date on the laws in your state. However, if he believes the weapons are -- to whatever extent, illegal -- then he is not only announcing their existence to every Tom, Dick and Harry, he's also announcing that he's unlikely to report their theft to the police, if they are stolen from his home.

What I'm against is bragging about how you're flouting the law so that you can impress the people around you. It's stupid and dangerous, and probably a lie. Behaving in that fashion can get you in trouble.


Clearly you have never heard of 'GUNKID". Do a google on him and you will find there used to be a super troll. I mean SUPER TROLL! He advocated lots of illegal gun stuff.

His real name was John Davis. Yes he was outed by a very well gun gun leather maker. I was basicly Gunkids nemis since I detest those to advocte murder, robbery, theft, and other such unpleasant things.

Well John, who was actually was in the IPSC at the start and did sign the IPSC founding documents, got himself busted for manufacturing silencers. While he was on parole for that, he blabbed on the internet all the time about such and how to murder and rob.

He took his own advice and tried to sell a silencer and .22 pistol to undercover ATF agents in Oklahoma.

Yep, busted again.

He now resides in a federal pen in Arkansas (for real!!!)

And that is what happens to fools like the one you describe. Sooner or later they get busted.

KenpoTex, I don't mean that carrying without a permit is morally wrong or any more dangerous to the public than carrying with one. In fact, I think it's a shame that we feel the need as a country to force a person to exercise a fundamental civil right.

But this particulary ***-hat is a menace to himself and others. The sooner he's separated from repeating firearms the safer everyone will be. The fact that he brags to one and all about breaking the law is one strike against him. The veiled menace and apparent instability are #2 and #3. And just in case a couple of those strikes were balls (and he seems to have guns as a substitute for having balls :) ) the fact that he carries in a way which puts him at severe risk for a negligent (not accidental, negligent) discharge means he needs some sort of safety check for the sake of innocents around him.
Or if they're more like Gecko45, they end up being forever ridiculed and have their name used as a pejorative...:D

Oh man, you just made my week. I've never heard of this guy before, but when I read that he has special shoes that let him walk on cielings, I almost cried in pure joy.

This is the funniest, and saddest, thing I've read in years.

KenpoTex, I don't mean that carrying without a permit is morally wrong or any more dangerous to the public than carrying with one. In fact, I think it's a shame that we feel the need as a country to force a person to exercise a fundamental civil right.

But this particulary ***-hat is a menace to himself and others. The sooner he's separated from repeating firearms the safer everyone will be. The fact that he brags to one and all about breaking the law is one strike against him. The veiled menace and apparent instability are #2 and #3. And just in case a couple of those strikes were balls (and he seems to have guns as a substitute for having balls :) ) the fact that he carries in a way which puts him at severe risk for a negligent (not accidental, negligent) discharge means he needs some sort of safety check for the sake of innocents around him.

That and the fact he bragged about a carry mode( small of back), that even WITH a holster, no professional chooses for obvious reasons, which, combined with "Mexican carry" just marked him in the eyes of anyone with half a clue as a total rank amateur idiot.( And that is putting it politely).
He can't. But from what I understand he bragged about Mexican carry IN the small-of-back area which is a DOUBLE Code Stupid. :D

You read it right. He claimed he walked around with his firearm tucked into the back of his pants "so he could get to it quick."


You all bringing up "Mexican Carry" got me to thinking about those of you that carry your gun in the 12, 1, or 2:00 position. If you carry in this position, you realize that you muzzle yourself everytime you sit down? It is to scary for me.
You all bringing up "Mexican Carry" got me to thinking about those of you that carry your gun in the 12, 1, or 2:00 position. If you carry in this position, you realize that you muzzle yourself everytime you sit down? It is to scary for me.


Photo example: http://www.smartcarry.com/scinvi.htm

Not strictly the "appendix carry" you describe but with certain guns, fine.

Just don't do Mexican Appendix carry where your safety can disengage against your pants :eek:
You all bringing up "Mexican Carry" got me to thinking about those of you that carry your gun in the 12, 1, or 2:00 position. If you carry in this position, you realize that you muzzle yourself everytime you sit down? It is to scary for me.


-people that carry in a shoulder rig sweep everyone behind them
-people that carry pretty much anywhere else sweep everyone on the floor below them

AFAIC, when the weapon is in the holster, it is perfectly safe...it's only when people have it in their hand and forget Rule #2 that we start running into problems.
So I'm at work today, and this guy starts bragging about the unregistered firearms he owns. Now, I'm all for firearms

I'm sorry I didn't mean to come off sounding like a troll, I guess it's just the mentality I have and I think it is different here in Canada than in the U.S, but all I was trying to say is that I don't believe in guns and if my comment has offended anyone then I apologize, but it's my opinion

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