I went to tournament


Senior Master
My sambonim asked me to go as a judge/referee to an invitational tornament this past saturday, taekwondoings from Puebla, Chiapas,Tabasco and Tamaulipas came to compete, I was on ring/mat number 3 and was judge for poomsae and for kyorugi (chair judge and central referee). I saw nice bouts and what I like the most was the technical grade of the state selections of poomsae of the diferent stares that came to my city.

It was awesome see those girls performing such nice poomsae moves, it was very dificult for the untrained eye to see flaws that could take away points while scoring those fantastic girls.

About kyorugi Isaw a part that I reali dislike, I saw some boys compiting crying, in some cases because the fear of been beaten some times because courage sometimes a combination of two, also seen couches in some cases yelling to the kids trying to make them stronger or firce to win the bout, this thing I realy don't like it.

I was working from 8 am till 8 pm and I became very tired and earned 400 pesos (around 35 american dollars), I meet with some former classmates (Jido Kwan) and a few TKD friends.

About kyorugi Isaw a part that I reali dislike, I saw some boys compiting crying, in some cases because the fear of been beaten some times because courage sometimes a combination of two, also seen couches in some cases yelling to the kids trying to make them stronger or firce to win the bout, this thing I realy don't like it.

I can't stand coaches who're aggressive or who're yelling at their players. I mean shouting instructions is one thing, but I've seen a lot of coaches who're very aggressive. Some are really mad at their own players and some want them to be more fierce and aggressive.

I wish more coaches/players would receive a Kyong-go or Gam-jeom for the coach's unsportsmanship.
Wow, the only thing I've ever gotten from refereeing was lunch.. .

I see the same things at tournaments. Coaches and parents living vicariously through the children. Helicopter parents, rude and insistent coaches. Ultimately, it's not my place to interfere, but I also don't like it.

Fortunately, in my experience, it is a minority of parents and coaches that interact with the children in this distasteful manner.
I really enjooyed see the little peewes doing kyorugi they are so natural and they take it as if was a touch and go play. Benjamin you are right not every coah are firce trying to inject fierce into his pupils in tournaments. The fisrt tournament I went as a competitor was when I was green belt, I was a tall and skinny boy around 16-17, because my height I will have to fight in the men division and the fisrt bout I've got a beating, the other man simply kick me hard and nasty sent me a couple of times 10 feet away, I rember I cry a lot because my pride was dented I wanted to win but .... well that was my iniciation inside tournaments.

Going to the Canadian open next week Mexico National Team is bringing the A,B,C teams...Mexico has a fine TKD organization! BEST in North and South America!
Do you mean that only boys were crying, or both both and girls were crying but it is only boys crying that you dislike.

In my area/matt I saw both of them, mostly boys but also saw one girl that fought screaming and crying, she and her oponent discharge a volley of insane kicks some of then low kicks that afected in one point the crying girl, I had to stop the fight three times to allow doctor to see the injured girl, however I think this girl was so high on fear and the wanting of end and wining the fight for his coach that was some kind of terrorifed in some point, this girl won the match.

I like to be central judge/referee in the peewe divisions up to 12 years old because I like to take care of the children and always keep an eye on the bout and when it's too much for one of the kids I stop the fight, for that matter parents and coaches in some how like to be in my area.

I have to stop a fight in the second round because of the beating, one of the kids was far superior to the other one and before an accident ocured I stop the fight, the diference in points beetwen this tow youg kids was abysmal.

Some couche understand why I stop the fights, some others no, howevere the integrity of the kids is fisrth.

Going to the Canadian open next week Mexico National Team is bringing the A,B,C teams...Mexico has a fine TKD organization! BEST in North and South America!

Mexico has top players inside TKD, in kyorugy anjd in poomsae however the TKD Mexican Federation has a lot of bad politics and that¡s why some times mexico is not rtepresented by the best of the best.

Mexico has top players inside TKD, in kyorugy anjd in poomsae however the TKD Mexican Federation has a lot of bad politics and that¡s why some times mexico is not rtepresented by the best of the best.


same in all TKD organizations!!!

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