I'm really not sure were to begin with all this... All I'm going to say for now is that it's mostly the constant "you are wrong because you are 18". It gets very old very fast. And it's insulting. Anyways, I'll get back to you on this.
You don't even know where the information comes from that you've read.
Oh, how special. Look, many of the rest of us here have read Marx and Engels, studied history, and some of us even live in Socialist countries. I've even been called bourgeios during political discussions in my time - unironically. Being a True Believer doesn't make you an arbiter of what is and what isn't socialism. Other people around here have insight too.
Let me throw an observation in here; I don't mean it to be as one-sided as it's ending up sounding. That's just a matter of point of view.
CoungNhuka has the energy and enthusiasm of youth -- and also the concomitant lack of experience with the real world. He's read about socialism, communism, and the rest, but he hasn't really seen anything but the current highly charged -- but hardly different from each other -- two party republic of the US. I hope that he'll have the chance during his service as a Marine to see some other parts of the world, and to see how things are in other places.
At the same time, youthful exuberance doesn't make him automatically wrong or uneducated. He does often mistake book learning for experience, but I've been guilty of that particular folly myself over the years. And some of us are indeed guilty of disregarding his statements because of his youth and idealism (yes, that does include me). But it also doesn't help his arguments when he pulls the
TRUE BELIEVER WHO'S SO MISUNDERSTOOD or the "you're dissing me because I'm young" card.
Because the socialist and communist economic models, along with the liberal/conservative dynamic, became highly politicized in the US, these topics get highly charged. They also got confused with each other in many ways... Lots of people automatically assume liberal = socialist and conservative = capitalist. They don't; there are conservatives who would like to see a more socialist economy or socialized medicine even and liberals who are avowed capitalists.
To me, socialism as an economic model is doomed to failure for the simple reason that it ignores the reality of human motivation. We just ain't ideal creatures, and most of us won't settle merely for what they need, while seeing someone else get more. Lots of us want as much as we can get... and a few of us don't care what it does to someone else for us to get as much as we want.