Here's the problem; if you have a gun in your hand and you are NOT legally justified in employing deadly force and the guy wants to wrestle with you, you have to either shoot him anyway, or find a place to put the firearm while you wrestle with him.
This was a standard drill when I was involved in law enforcement. You don't draw unless you have authority to use deadly force. Drawing the weapon and hoping someone gives up is fine; until they don't give up. If you don't have the legal right to shoot them and they charge you, now you've got a problem. A gun in the hand can be quite a liability when you're trying to defend yourself without using to shoot with.
I am in law enforcement and I think that you cannot with good concious allow a burglar to go without a chase if you see them. At the same time chasing after someone trying to break into your home without a gun when you have one is just as bad.
My last .02 only