I talked with sambunim


Senior Master
Last night afther the class I retook the SD issue with my sambunim,he told me that he sees TKD as two things toghter, kyorugi (sparring) and self defense other wise 50/50, and yes it was true that he has not schedule SD technikes for a while cause he's preparaing the kids for the next examination (October 26), he's arrangin his school festival (Novemeber)and the black belt examination on next december.

Sambunim is going to schedule SD more ofthen next year, in fact he want's to set up a SD demo team.

sambuim want me to teach some TKD classes but he needs to show me the path he wants me to teach and need me to do my second degre black belt.

My sambunim is sincere I feel it, we must to start working in the schedules and the path we need to put together to stablish some kind of calsic TKD classes were SD will be teach.

In the meanwhile I will train with my Bujikan friend on weekends.

I'am very exited cause I really like to teach others clasic TKD.

Communication with your teacher is important. Never be reluctant to share your concerns with him. After all, as your teacher, he is in your service. I am glad that worked out for you!
Excellent Manny.

And now with an exibition team, the team will be forced to practice much more SD, which is a real good thing.

Great news! I can tell you it is exciting to start teaching. It is also good to hear that your sambunim wants to give you some training in how to teach the classes before you just get thrown into it.
I really love to teach, my style is clasic MA, I mean even TKD is mainly a kicking art, I love to punch,use defenses,grabs,joint locks,trows, etc, mainly because I was exposed to Judo and Aikido and some Shotokan Karate, my way of trining is eclectic I try to fusionate those MA.

As an instructor I use to focus on technik, and show the right way to perform a block, a punch, a kick and even poomse. I had wonderfulls sambunims that always demanded me a clean technicke so that's what I use and teach.

My rooths are JiDo Kwan and these is one of the purest TKD around, I'm not shy to admit that I'am influece by another MA besides TKD, you can tell that my style is an american one where I put together waht I know of diferente MA I was exposed.

I need to wait till the moment comes, so I need to relax, we will se e if my sambunim words were right.
