I saw the crazyest thing last night

hong kong fooey

Black Belt
last night I was shopping at the local walmart and I am puttinmg my things into my car and I see a bunch of people standing around this guy he takes off his shirt and tells them to do it next thing you know there is this pop pop pop and the guy screams he had been shot at point blank rage with a paintball gun!! ouch
Bill Shatner (I'm Denny Crane) shot a street guy in the forehead with a paintball gun on Boston Legal not long ago.
I remember a news report years ago when the paintball craze was first getting big where the reporter thought it would be a good idea to end the clip by getting shot in the face with a paintball. What he didn't take into consideration was that it was late in the year and paint gets really hard when it freezes. Broke his jaw...ouch.
hong kong fooey said:
last night I was shopping at the local walmart and I am puttinmg my things into my car and I see a bunch of people standing around this guy he takes off his shirt and tells them to do it next thing you know there is this pop pop pop and the guy screams he had been shot at point blank rage with a paintball gun!! ouch

While playing Paint Ball a few years ago

In one incident, right as they were about to begin talking about safety to everyone, this woman drops her pump shotgun (* we all had them for indoor action in a warehouse *), I was shot in the groin. The refs and owner just looked at me, and I smiled and thumped my cup.

Later that day, as per the rules, I had to work my way back to get more ammo, and I was caught by the enemy (* other team *), so I surrendered, it was point blank range. He shot me anyways, (* His quote, "I have not shot anyonhe all day, and I am going to shot you." *) ref just shook his head, not believing what he just saw, it really hurt. I dropped my empty weapon and disarmed him and then unloaded on him multiple times at point blank range, while he was rolling up into a ball screaming his head off.

The ref laughed and said get back into the game to me. He took the other guy off to recover from the shooting.

It hurts, it is really dumb to volunteer with no clothing.

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