I never did introduce myself...

Ah, that explains that frisson of 'knowing of which you speak' :).

Continuing the ongoing nosiness, what flavour of engineering are you in? I work in a fairly specialised niche wherein I mix software skills with electrical engineering knowledge to produce SCADA systems for the National Grid.

Ah, sounds interesting! SCADA systems - what are those?

I work within the aeronautical engineering sector for BAE Systems, just about to finish my training. In theory I will design, and support the implementation of, ground equipment that is used to test/run aircraft whilst they're on the ground. I work at a site that designs and manufactures light military aircraft for the RAF and other countries, however we have a meeting in literally 1 hour 30 minutes to find out if some of us are being made redundant... could be a blessing in disguise, considering workload is so low I haven't had a single thing to do in 3 months, and believe me - being paid to do nothing is not the dream job people think it is once the novelty has wore off after a couple of weeks....
There are a few variations on it but the generally accepted 'definition of SCADA is "Supervisory Control and Data Aquisition". Essentially, I take information about all the various items of plant at a substation and create a system to control and monitor it. Like all jobs, some bits are interesting and mentally challenging (in a good way) whilst others are deathly dull and soul destroying {entering and testing 20,000 alarm texts springs to mind there :lol:}.
There are a few variations on it but the generally accepted 'definition of SCADA is "Supervisory Control and Data Aquisition". Essentially, I take information about all the various items of plant at a substation and create a system to control and monitor it. Like all jobs, some bits are interesting and mentally challenging (in a good way) whilst others are deathly dull and soul destroying {entering and testing 20,000 alarm texts springs to mind there :lol:}.

Heh, I can understand that – I have had some interesting work in the past, counterbalanced by mindnumbing work like reading through multiple aircraft maintenance manuals to find how many instances of “remove part X” there are... and believe me, aircraft maintenance manuals are NOT small and nobody has yet thought about storing them electronically too for ease of use. :D