I need your help with an important project


Yellow Belt

I need your help with an important project:

I started yesterday morning and I'm up to 160+ quality entries. But I need help, and I would appreciate your help.

the rules for the list are as follows:
  • modern wushu is ok for this list, I like modern wushu and from my perspective it is perfectly acceptable.
  • non-chinese styles(i.e. kenpo & uechi-ryu) are forbidden
  • shaolin-do is forbidden
  • anyone claiming lineage via sin the is forbidden
  • the guy in NC that thinks he's the head of the intl chin woo is forbidden, as is anyone making similiar nutty unsubstantiated claims
  • for now I'm exluding wing chun but after the list progresses further I may include it. I'm not against wing chun it's just that there are so many schools that it would overwhelm the list at this point.

I am the list moderator, so far it's just me. this is my baby. the value of this list is only as good as the quality of the information. sometimes I have to make a judgement call on whether or not to include someone. I need lineage to be presented clearly on the persons site unless they are doing contemporary wushu. again if they're doing contemporary wushu I'll accept them and add them on the merit of their athleticism alone. but if it's traditional I want to see that this person is qualified to actually teach what they are teaching. now let's discuss politics - if someone is claiming to be a satellite/local rep of an organization then I need to see them listed on the home page of the organization. that's the way I'm going to do it.

please by all means feel free to go over to listphile and register.

yes I know that no system is perfect when considering who to include or exclude. I completely agree. there is no perfect method.

this list belongs to everyone, that is why it is so important. it can be embedded on any site. I want people to be able to use it that's why I have to be tough sometimes. also if you have any doubts about anyone that I have included please let me know in this thread. I'm not perfect. If I've overlooked something I want to know about it.

thank you for reading this and I hope you do help.
There are those who are going to be put off because you used the word Wushu instead of Kung Fu or Chinese Martial Arts. They will think you mean "State" sanctioned modern wushu and not "martial arts" as the word translates.
There are those who are going to be put off because you used the word Wushu instead of Kung Fu or Chinese Martial Arts. They will think you mean "State" sanctioned modern wushu and not "martial arts" as the word translates.
Oh God. We don't want to get started on this again...lol.

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