White Belt
Hi. Let me preface this by saying I'm totally ignorant about all marital arts, Chinese or otherwise. However I'm writing website content for a website about China and of course the topic of martial arts comes up.
Since I figured folks at this forum are probably all experts, I wanted to show the content I made for a very very brief introduction to martial arts on the website. This isn't intended to be in any way detailed, but rather to pique somebody's interest (later they can click on more links to read a detailed article, which will come later). Here is my brief introductory text. Please tell me if I am on the mark or not. Thanks in advance for your input.
China is the home of an astounding number of styles, forms and schools of martial arts. Each type is unique and some even have their own philosophies or religious principles. Studying these art forms in China gives students the opportunity to study various martial arts in their land of origin, and to learn from masters in the field.
Wushu is an international sport and there are practitioners worldwide. It is also highly organized, and a World Wushu Championship is held every two years.
Tai Chi incorporates certain special techniques. These techniques include a focus on correct breathing, correct posture and smooth, fluid movements. This is coupled with combat-oriented training, and are said to improve mental agility and the ability to cope with stress.
Since I figured folks at this forum are probably all experts, I wanted to show the content I made for a very very brief introduction to martial arts on the website. This isn't intended to be in any way detailed, but rather to pique somebody's interest (later they can click on more links to read a detailed article, which will come later). Here is my brief introductory text. Please tell me if I am on the mark or not. Thanks in advance for your input.
China is the home of an astounding number of styles, forms and schools of martial arts. Each type is unique and some even have their own philosophies or religious principles. Studying these art forms in China gives students the opportunity to study various martial arts in their land of origin, and to learn from masters in the field.
- Kung Fu
- Wushu
Wushu is an international sport and there are practitioners worldwide. It is also highly organized, and a World Wushu Championship is held every two years.
- Tai Chi
Tai Chi incorporates certain special techniques. These techniques include a focus on correct breathing, correct posture and smooth, fluid movements. This is coupled with combat-oriented training, and are said to improve mental agility and the ability to cope with stress.