muay thai questtions


White Belt
hey im new to this site so im sry if youve seen a similer post befor, iv been in ma's for a while and im about to start training muay thai, i was in tkd, but befor i go i want to get in even better shape, im in good shape now im 6' and im 145 pounds, i love to workout but i want a program bassed on muay thai i want to be able to hit harder faster and gain alot more flexability, so if u could give me some info on what i should do, i have alot of free wigehts, a really big back yard, about 6k squre feet, i would allso like some info on xtreame yoga
The biggest mistake I see people make when wanting to start training something new is trying to work out and get into shape before they go. Typically, this makes people hold off on training until they get into better shape so they can do better in class. What this actually does is set them back farther and farther on their training schedule.

You don't get in shape to train, you train to get in shape.

Start taking your Muay Thai classes and see what your kru (coach) recommends. Often times, just the actual gym time is enough to get you started (and many times even get you ready to fight). Once you can get through a full, hard training class, then you can start adding new stuff to your regimine.

As always, YMMV.

Pretty much the only thing the fighters at my gym did outside of class was meet up for extra pad drills, sparring and maybe some running (long distance and sprints).
6'0 145pounds sounds a little undersized...I know that muay thai fighters are slim but i think you should bulk up a bit, i think a healthy weight (according to medical information) for someone 6'0 should be about 175 or close to it. Im 6'0 and 210 pounds but im also really into bodybuilding, so my case is a little different, but the average 6'0 guy should weigh more than 145...

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