it should be next March, no earlier! and i would suspect its likely to be the combination of Masters Hatch + De Vry and if i'm very lucky, GM Kumar!
My sister Kim should be grading at the same time all being well. I'm planning getting my fitness back to its peak at some time over the winter, my left hip still gives me continual grief and with the winter coming i'm not looking forward to it but the anit inflamitories do help!
but Ken, any help or advice would be much appreciated!
Hi Clair,
I was at a grading with 'GM' Kumar two weeks ago, 6 of my students upgrade to 1st and 2nd Dan... If if Master's Hatch, De-Vry and Kumar are at the table you can guarantee then Master Anish Kumar will be demonstrating and he takes no prisoners. The way it was conducted at the grading two weeks ago was:
Fitness - 150 starjumps, 60 pushup's (on knuckles with females on knees), 30 brupees, 30 full squats, 50 situps...
Basic Techniques.
Master Kumar Jr... 5 combo kicks.
Master Nessworthy.... 5 combo hand.
Master Kumar Jr... 5 combo kicks.
Master Nessworthy.... 5 combo hand.
Master Kumar Jr... 5 combo kicks.
Master Nessworthy.... 5 combo hand.
Master Kumar Jr... 5 combo kicks.
Master Nessworthy.... 5 combo hand.
Master Kumar Jr... 5 combo kicks.
Master Nessworthy.... 5 combo hand.
Master Kumar Jr... 5 combo kicks.
Master Nessworthy.... 5 combo hand.
Master Kumar Jr... 5 combo kicks.
Master Nessworthy.... 5 combo hand.
etc... think you get the message there..
small written test (generic to TSD that I created for the EMTF)
Hyungs (all of them)
Weapons (if applicable)
One Step (school or EMTF), random onestep i.e. you do number 4, partner number 15 etc.
Sparring 1 to 1 x 2, 3 to 1
Breaking (up to instructor)
The whole grading lasted about 3 - 3 1/2 hours. I would say concentrate on your stamina. It will be fast and furious with little time to think. the way I learned the pyung ahn hyungs fro my 1st Dan was to concentrate on the first move only, remember the first move and the rest of the hyung follows.
Hope this helps,