We've all seen the posts "How long until I shoud cross train" and the like. The answer is typically "Once you have a good base". Well, I think I may have jumped the gun a wee bit. I train in 2 different garages. JKD in one. The other is closer to MMA. The goal for all of us when I started was that the two instructors would train in each others garages fairly often, and we could all train everything. But that never materialized.
Now here is where the dilema comes in. The MMA guy teaches to bob/ weave/ counter. Anyone who has ever done JKD will tell you that the focus should be intercept/ beat them to the punch/ always move forward. Im having problems in sparring suddenly, and think this is the reason why. Very different schools of thought here. If all I ever did at the MMA garage was ground training, then it would be a perfect supplement. But of course, thats not the deal.
Now the other dilema. Neither of these guys are merely instructors, they are both much closer to being friends. Neither asks for a dime for their instruction, just that I show up and work hard.
I know that nobody can make a decision for me, but I would like your thoughts.
Now here is where the dilema comes in. The MMA guy teaches to bob/ weave/ counter. Anyone who has ever done JKD will tell you that the focus should be intercept/ beat them to the punch/ always move forward. Im having problems in sparring suddenly, and think this is the reason why. Very different schools of thought here. If all I ever did at the MMA garage was ground training, then it would be a perfect supplement. But of course, thats not the deal.
Now the other dilema. Neither of these guys are merely instructors, they are both much closer to being friends. Neither asks for a dime for their instruction, just that I show up and work hard.
I know that nobody can make a decision for me, but I would like your thoughts.