This morning I called the owner of the school I've been teaching at and told him I wasn't going to be working there any longer. We have different philosophies on teaching kenpo and it's been a source of tension during my time there. Ultimately, the karate I want to teach isn't the product he wants to sell, and the product he wants to sell isn't the karate I want to teach. I've been trying to find a middle ground and figure out ways to work within and around his wishes, but in the end I just didn't think we were going to find a way to work together long term. Our positions were too diametrically opposed. So rather than allow that tension to spill over onto the students and the classes, I chose to take a step back and let him teach his karate in his school without any interference from me.
This was a difficult decision for me. I've been thinking about it for a while and trying to find a way to make it work. I'm going to really miss the students and the classes and the karate. But ignoring his instructions in his house wasn't an honorable course and what I wanted was too different from what he wanted. I've been concerned about stepping away from the training floor and what that might mean for my future in kenpo, but ultimately I decided that right here right now, it was the next right step. I could have put it off longer or dragged it out, but once I decided the relationship was over it seemed like I'd just be putting off my future. The road I was on wasn't going to take me where I want to be. So it was time to take a different road.
I had already written my class plans for next month and started on the ones for the month after that, so I'm going to go ahead and finish and post those here. I hope they're of some value to someone. I intend to keep working on my karate and have every intention of continuing to develop and provide qualtiy martial arts instruction both online and in person. I need to focus on the fact that not doing karate for that specific school doesn't mean I'm not doing karate. Karate's not going anywhere, I'm just not teaching under that guy's banner anymore.
This was a difficult decision for me. I've been thinking about it for a while and trying to find a way to make it work. I'm going to really miss the students and the classes and the karate. But ignoring his instructions in his house wasn't an honorable course and what I wanted was too different from what he wanted. I've been concerned about stepping away from the training floor and what that might mean for my future in kenpo, but ultimately I decided that right here right now, it was the next right step. I could have put it off longer or dragged it out, but once I decided the relationship was over it seemed like I'd just be putting off my future. The road I was on wasn't going to take me where I want to be. So it was time to take a different road.
I had already written my class plans for next month and started on the ones for the month after that, so I'm going to go ahead and finish and post those here. I hope they're of some value to someone. I intend to keep working on my karate and have every intention of continuing to develop and provide qualtiy martial arts instruction both online and in person. I need to focus on the fact that not doing karate for that specific school doesn't mean I'm not doing karate. Karate's not going anywhere, I'm just not teaching under that guy's banner anymore.
One does not need buildings, money, power, or status to practice the Art of Peace. Heaven is right where you are standing, and that is the place to train.
-Ueshiba Morihei