I encourage you talk to your teacher at some point, just to keep him in the loop. There are lots of options available to him/her that you may not be aware of. I have done everything from a sliding fee scale to scholarships, or partial scholarships for people who could not afford to be in my school, but who I had invested time, energy, resources, and they had paid that back with their enthusiasm and committment - notice I did not say ability. This is something I would probably not offer a newby, but with the time you have in, your instructor may value your perserverance, ability, and personality.
I have had people pay tuition on a barter system. Anything from signs to trading lessons for massages; to preparing taxes, or helping teach (warm up the kids) or keeping the school clean. You never can tell, but if you don't talk to your teacher, he/she will never know, or be able to offer you any options ... if in fact there are any. They could be left wondering why you left? Was it anything they did? Or could it have been a situation at the school that could be improved? Etc.
Yours in Kenpo,