I.K.K.O. Intrnl. Kenpo Karate Organization


The Organization for the serious Ed Parker's American Kenpo Instructor or Student.

or for more information on how to join contact...
Dennis Conatser directly ~ goldendragon7@cox.net

Here are some of the "BENEFITS" to being a member.....

Traceable Ed Parker Lineage
Quality Certification
Seminars by the Worlds Top Instructors Arranged
World Class American Kenpo training
Impressive Board of Directors
Instruction on methods of training
Standardization of Curriculum
Tournament Administration Training
Business Consultation
American Kenpo Books
Visual aids & Charts
Traditions of Kenpo
Student Journals
Member Unity

No one will ever question your Black Belt Credentials.

Understanding the Ed Parker's Art of American Kenpo is not a matter of who is right or wrong but rather the understanding of "any" techniques based upon solid principles and knowledge of the "Kenpo Tools", armed with this knowledge YOU determine what is correct.

Come join us and start understanding Kenpo without feeling confused or frustrated.

You'll find Dennis Conatser personable and easy to talk to. See for yourself......


I owuld be interested but it is a Looooooooonnnnnnnnnngggggggggg drive between here and Scotsdale. And it is very hard to get the Polar bear to come to class let alone put on uniforms.
Question if Rob becomes a Representative of the IKKO and I am his student does that make me an IKKO member lol?

Sorry Dennis lol I had to throw that in reference to our phone conversation awhile back lol.

Anyway go get 'em Rob lol. By the way Polar bears like Cocca Cola and lots of ICE. Dennis stock up dude lol.

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