I have trouble


Senior Master
I am having troubles with my feet, my ankles are swallon, and my feet hurt me alot, the pain increases when I am standing for along periods of time and afther training. I know I have to drop some bacon (50 + lbs) and I will go to see a dietician and maybe will use the zone diet but I am very frightened doctor ask me to stop training to stop the feet ache. I don't wana stop training because this could meke me gaing more wight.

Go see a doctor.

At one of the seminars I went to of Yang Jwing Ming’s he told a story about one of his students.

That student came to him and said his doctor told him to stop training for a while so his injury could heal properly because if he didn’t stop he would not be able to train at all eventually.

He asked Doctor Yang what he should do and Dr Yang told him to stop training.

His student told him you don’t understand, if I don’t train I will die, I can’t live without training.

To which Dr Yang said then die.

If you can’t live without training you say you will die. If you don’t stop training the injury will get worse and you won’t be able to train so say you will die if you can’t train.

I have on multiple occasions not listen to the doctor, postponed going to a doctor and it has always come back to bite me.

See a doctor, find out what is wrong, if anything, and follow what the Dr tells you to do and get better.


The point Dr Yang was trying to make is that his student should take a break so he can train later and not keep hurting himself
Pick up something else that is easier on your joints in the mean time.

Swimming is excellent, easy on the joints, and awesome for the cardio-vascular system.

Also, an exercise bike could help you out.
If you have access to a gym or exercise equipment, you can pump some iron, improve over all strength, and helping you out.

Go see the Doctor. Feet are too important to ignore.
"I am very frightened doctor ask me to stop training to stop"

Dont be afraid of something that has not happened. Get good advice and then follow it. It may not be the case at all.
See a doctor Manny. I could be nothing or it could be something but until you see a doctor you won't know and are only playing Russian Roulette.

To lose weight the right way you simply need to eat less and move more. There really is no more to it than that. I say this all the time to people that want to loose weight and they think I am being funny but I am not.

Eat less = less calories in.
Move more = more calories out or burned.

If you burn more than you take in you can only lose. It is simple math and is what every diet plan really is all about.

Make eating less and moving more you daily habit and soon you will get to a point where you intake and output are the same and you will maintain your weight. The again must become you daily habit and eventually you everyday way of life. No fad diet will help you. No special pill or drink, just simple everyday good eating habits.

Training in TKD alone also is not enough. You need to walk 3 to 6 miles a day plus some light resistant (weight) training. Do this and you should be good. You want to see 1 pound a week on average of weight loss.
Thank you all guys, I will see a doctor when I get paid at the end of the month, my really big problem is eating, I will start cutting food intake by half and see how it's going, this is the challenge, I really love food and most of the times I eat because of stress.

Thank you all guys, I will see a doctor when I get paid at the end of the month, my really big problem is eating, I will start cutting food intake by half and see how it's going, this is the challenge, I really love food and most of the times I eat because of stress.


You are not diabetic are you?
Thank you all guys, I will see a doctor when I get paid at the end of the month, my really big problem is eating, I will start cutting food intake by half and see how it's going, this is the challenge, I really love food and most of the times I eat because of stress.


Don't go for drastic changes like decreasing your food 50%. That's just asking for you to break down and binge at some point. Figure out how much you weigh, how much you want to weigh, and figure out how much to eat to lose about 1 lb a week. Slow weight loss is more maintainable than crash diets.
Manny, from your posts I think you are a man who is often ruled by his heart and emotions. Your posts show great love and feeling, and add much to this forum because others can relate to what you write. The downside of being ruled by your heart is that you may be accepting more emotions in your body than is healthy for you.

I know you patiently coach young students so they improve with practice. I think you should expect the same of yourself. Seeing a doctor is no different from working with a good instructor: you need to have real information about the situation. Then I suggest working patiently but persistently to improve. Look how long it takes for a new student to learn to move as a black belt. Your body won't change overnight, but it will change if you work at it with balanced effort and balanced emotions.

I do suggest getting checked for diabetes, and you might find you need help with dealing with your emotions in a healthy way. There are professionals to help with that too.

With great regard for you,