I feel strange


Blue Belt
May 2, 2016
Reaction score
I have been feeling strange lately which is worrying me.
My forearms feel really weak and tingly. I did nothing to provoke this.

I also noticed that when I for example want to eat soup and my spoon is completely filled
then I spill some of it. But what's the really strange thing is that the upward movement (dish to mouth)
is smooth. Here I don't spill anything.

BUT on the downward movement I start to shake! This means if I do an experiment and fill a spoon completely
with water and then try to move the filled spoon downwards and slowly extend my arm then my hand/thumb starts
to shake and I spill it! I have this on both hands!

Can anyone do this experiment and tell me if he also has this? I have already been to a doc and told him exactly
this. I also showed him that when I extend my arm my thumb starts to shake. He measured the nerves and said
that everything is normal. But he didn't really get into my symptoms or tell me if they are "normal" or not.

The feeling which I have is my arms is a bit like when you lie on your arm and it starts to fall asleep and then you
wake up and it feels numb and when you start to move it then it hurts and tingles. Of course it's not that strong
in my case it's subtle but still there.

My handwriting has also gotten really bad. But I have no practice in this I havent really written much with my hand
in years.

Anyway, I'm concerned. Any comments?
If your arm is feeling continuously numb, go to a doctor. While there are medical professionals here, you shouldn't be getting medical advice online. If the answer your doctor didn't give you (because he didn't say much about your symptoms), it's perfectly fine going to another doctor and getting a second opinion, but it should be someone in person, not online.
Yeah. That actually sounds pretty serious.
I am not a doctor, but this sounds like symptoms associated with an upper spinal herniated disc - maybe talk with your doctor and see if he thinks an MRI scan is a good idea? That your nerves are OK is good news.

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Don't ask for medical advice on a martial arts forum. Take it to a professional. If your doctor doesn't offer a helpful diagnosis, ask him follow-up questions. If he doesn't have answers, ask for a referral to a specialist. If he won't provide a referral, get another doctor.

Your symptoms don't sound "normal" to me. If I was going through those issues I would put a priority on getting a medical diagnosis.

Good luck! I hope it turns out to be nothing serious.
now i'm scared. the neurologist i saw didn't say anything about herniated discs.
but I have neck issues because of my new pillow it's totally uncomfortable.

i dont't really know what to do now. the neurologist didn't really tell me what to do.
he just said the nerves are ok. :(
now i'm scared. the neurologist i saw didn't say anything about herniated discs.
but I have neck issues because of my new pillow it's totally uncomfortable.

i dont't really know what to do now. the neurologist didn't really tell me what to do.
he just said the nerves are ok. :(
You get scared too easily. If he said they're okay, they probably are. If you don't know, rather than worry just get a second opinion.
but i also asked myself if it could come from the neck. he doesn't have x-ray eyes he cannot know if there is something with a disc.
especially with my neck pain from the pillow i'm worried. the pillow is just way too hard and it bend my neck in uncomfortable positions.
i don't know if you can injure a disc by lying on a pillow which is too hard.

i forgot to mention, he did find something! he tested my arms and bent them and then felt the muscles and he said that i have a rigor.
i asked him if this has anything to do with parkinson cause in parkinson your movement is also not fluent and he said no but my arm movements are not fluent either! when i bend my arm and then extend it my hands show a tremor. i can repeat this as often as i want they always shake slightly. but this is only during extension. when i bend my arm then the movement is fluent. this stuff is really starting to freak me out. :(
It's cancer for sure. I'd say you are done for, poor fellow.

@ kehcorpz, you can dislike this all you want but really what do you expect when you ask such questions of complete strangers who mostly are not medical professionals? if you have medical concerns see your doctor, it's really as simple as that. Posting your medical worries like this is a from of attention seeking and looking for sympathy, if your problems are real, see your doctor. If you don't get the answers you want see another doctor.
I thought maybe somebody else also has this.
Can you try this for me and see if your hands also shake when you extend your arm?

I have already been to 2 neurologists now. I cannot go to too many doctors otherwise the insurance
will make trouble. But so far none of the visits has really helped me or calmed my worries.
I thought maybe somebody else also has this.
Can you try this for me and see if your hands also shake when you extend your arm?

I have already been to 2 neurologists now. I cannot go to too many doctors otherwise the insurance
will make trouble. But so far none of the visits has really helped me or calmed my worries.
What you need is a therapist not a doctor. You get anxious and scared over everything, including things that you don't have any need to be concerned about. I wont diagnose you since thats an in-person thing to do, but you definitely need to go see someone. This forum is not the place for medical (mental or physical) advice, as you have been told multiple times.
the neuro examined me already. i gotta get a mri now. :(
this is scary.
Oh geez I was just reading this then I realised who the op was. I have to believe this is trolling because why on earth would a guy who doesn't do martial arts ask for medicinal advice on a martial art forum.

If someone gets a martial art related injury then I could understand asking here but someone who never trains really doesn't need to be posting this here and all his other threads are basic lists of his issues
Sounds kinda strange. If he was doing martial art or fighting some one it could be some injury and like wise if he fell down.

But if these medical symptoms came out of nowhere I would be going to hospital ASAP or seeing a specialist ASAP and demanding MRI. This not some thing to be messy around with a family doctor or looking up on the internet.

Even some small chance it could be Parkinson's , MS or some autoimmune problems should be investigated by specialist not some family doctor or asking people on forum.

Faster they find out want is wrong with him the faster he can start treatment.

This not some minor problem my knee is sore or my knee feels strange now after running.

This sound like it could be some thing serious.
If he was doing martial art or fighting some one it could be some injury and like wise if he fell down.

He doesn't do martial arts.

This sound like it could be some thing serious.

Nothing like cheering someone up, and your post was not cheering him up at all, if he wasn't feeling bad before I imagine he feels really bad now.