I didn't know how big they were....

I was almost afraid to open this, seeing it was in "The Locker Room" ... thought someone left a cup around or something ....


I avoid WM as much as humanly possible - I only go there under duress. At each of the check-outs in the one nearest me a sign is hung that reads something like, "Did you know this Walmart contributed $65,000 to this community last year?" I asked the clerk, "Was that in gross wages or net wages and for all employees or hourly?" He gave me a knowing wink and said, "According to my paycheck, gross, hourly."

The way I see it, if I meander into a store wearing jammie pants, slippers, a zip-hoodie, coffee in my hand, sleep in my eyes sans makeup or combed hair ... and I *STILL* look better than the people who work there ... there's something wrong with that company.
Come on now, She-she, you know you still look like a runway model even in this scenario.:)
I think College had a bad effect on me.....I like Wal-mart! The one near my house in NJ was pretty grimy and trashy....but I lived in a grimy and trashy area (lots of shootings and stabbings).

BUT, the ones near my parents' house and the one near my house now are both great....I mean, they're clean, the workers are....though unhelpful and largely unbathed....mostly nice to me. But its convenient, close, pretty cheap, and the overall store is pretty clean. Surprisingly enough, they have a better deli than Kroger.....of course, when I asked "Do you have Ricotta Cheese?" they said...."What? I've never heard of that cheese."
I like Wal-mart too. Now maybe it is different here in Canada then it is in the States. Here our Walmart is not open 24 hours except at Christmas and even that has only been for a couple of years.

Since I have never been in one at 2 am I can't comment on what kind of clientele is there at that time.
I was almost afraid to open this, seeing it was in "The Locker Room" ... thought someone left a cup around or something ....


I avoid WM as much as humanly possible - I only go there under duress. At each of the check-outs in the one nearest me a sign is hung that reads something like, "Did you know this Walmart contributed $65,000 to this community last year?" I asked the clerk, "Was that in gross wages or net wages and for all employees or hourly?" He gave me a knowing wink and said, "According to my paycheck, gross, hourly."

The way I see it, if I meander into a store wearing jammie pants, slippers, a zip-hoodie, coffee in my hand, sleep in my eyes sans makeup or combed hair ... and I *STILL* look better than the people who work there ... there's something wrong with that company.

I agree that at my worst, I am still better off in the cleanliness and hair care and shaving department then most of the customers or employees of Wal-Mart with the exception of one that was recently built in my area and only some of the people look bad.

I do not shop for groceries there I can get them cheaper at the Farmer Jack that went ouf of business in our area or VG's.

The only thing I buy is ammo, as in many stores in our area they do not carry it any more or the price has risen to a point of they are robbing me.

The other stores in the area, be it Target or Meijers or what have you, none of them are open 24 hours anymore. All have their crazies unwashed no matter the store or time. This really surprises me, as people just do not care what they look like anymore.

I like Wal-mart too. Now maybe it is different here in Canada then it is in the States. Here our Walmart is not open 24 hours except at Christmas and even that has only been for a couple of years.

Since I have never been in one at 2 am I can't comment on what kind of clientele is there at that time.

I do not like the store. I do not dislike the store. It is there and has something I have problems getting elsewhere.

As stated above unless in a Mall where all the kids over dress or dress in EMO or Goth or what have you, no one really seems to be just normally dressed anymore. I mean I can get up not take a shower, go mow my lawn, and sweat out a shirt and go to the store in my green stained blue jeans and sweated out shirt and old sneakers and I am still better dressed than most. I am not trying to be elitist here, for I understand that some do not have the money to buy lots of clothes. I understand that some are struggling. What gets me are these people because many drive Lexus or Cadillac or some form of large SUV that is not old and beat up but is new and many times has low profile tires or spinners or all the extras. I am just confused, by these people who live in big houses and drive expensive cars but cannot find the time to use soap or a brush or wear a hat.

I say it is wierd just wierd. :)
Since I have never been in one at 2 am I can't comment on what kind of clientele is there at that time.

I've only been in WM in the wee hours out of sheer emergent need, emergency last-minute Christmas shopping and the lack of other availability.

I actually encounter the best crowd in the early evening - the daytime crowd ... well, they actually smell. The late-night crowd are loud, drunk or high, angry and rude and have children in tow. The 2am crowd, amazingly, ALSO have children in tow and look at me like I'm going to attack them (whereas I, of course, am leery of the same thing).

We've had two shooting deaths and many more robberies in the parking lot of the EvilMart nearest me. Gotta have yer spidey senses going.
Wal-Mart is evil.

From personal experience: 90% of the people in any given Wal-Mart at 2 am on a Saturday suffer from some type of mental affliction, and are adverse to bathing.

I make it a point to only make a rare appearance at Wally World.... I used to work there for 6 years, and will never work there again, no matter what. Kreth and michaeledward said it best, in my opinion.
I like Wal mart also. As for as I can see the local stores (riding WM's coat tails) that have built up around the area like them too. I haven't seen one go out of business since Walmart moved in. The local manager of a O Charlies claims business is good (friend of the family). He gets alot of residual business from WM patrons. The local mall is the nightmare. I would rather see the unshaven red necks types than the gothic or underwear exposers at the over priced malls in the area. I've never had any problems with service from employees. Returns are never a problem either. Wth or with out a receipt. My dollar goes further at WM, well worth a couple minutes wait in the check out. Maybe once I have extra money growing on the tree out back I will shop at the trendy places. I was in Target a couple days ago and took a minute to check a price on a CD I just picked up at WalMart. $15. I bought the Led Zeppelin CD for $9.44 at WM. I've notice a couple other things but this is the most recent. Maybe it's just me but I like keeping my money.
I was in Target a couple days ago and took a minute to check a price on a CD I just picked up at WalMart. $15. I bought the Led Zeppelin CD for $9.44 at WM.
This is great as long as you don't mind the radio-edit versions.
This is great as long as you don't mind the radio-edit versions.

That's the thing—WalMart uses its market power to put the armlock on musicians: they go with sanitized lyrics or their stuff doesn't sell at WM. I would buy anything somewhere else just to stick as much of a high-voltage joy buzzer into their greasy palms as I could...
That's the thing—WalMart uses its market power to put the armlock on musicians: they go with sanitized lyrics or their stuff doesn't sell at WM. I would buy anything somewhere else just to stick as much of a high-voltage joy buzzer into their greasy palms as I could...
Absolutely, I spend my cash at local businesses as much as possible.
Absolutely, I spend my cash at local businesses as much as possible.
Ditto that. This is what keeps free enterprise alive. I like to keep my money too, but as so many like to point to "trickle-down" economics I'd like to gently remind my opposing party friends that if there's no snowmelt, there's no mountain stream; no mountain stream, no thriving river; no river, no tributaries; no local power, no local economy, no freedom.

I feel that to be a true patriot that one must conscientiously engage in those things that make us what we are - a free republic.

If one can funnel their earned dollars to the local economy and smaller business that this is what one should do provided the company is good. If we don't make it a point to funnel our efforts into the privileges and rights that make this country great that these things may disappear ... and our nation will no longer be great.
If one can funnel their earned dollars to the local economy and smaller business that this is what one should do provided the company is good. If we don't make it a point to funnel our efforts into the privileges and rights that make this country great that these things may disappear ... and our nation will no longer be great.
Just as an example, I would much rather get my spices at a local health/organic food store than Wal-Mart or the other local big-chain supermarkets. Not only do they have a much better selection (6 different kinds of paprika), the prices are about a third of the big stores. Add to that the fact that they will tare my spice jars, and let me fill them myself, so I have my pick of the freshest spices available.
I like Wal mart also. As for as I can see the local stores (riding WM's coat tails) that have built up around the area like them too. I haven't seen one go out of business since Walmart moved in. The local manager of a O Charlies claims business is good (friend of the family). He gets alot of residual business from WM patrons. The local mall is the nightmare. I would rather see the unshaven red necks types than the gothic or underwear exposers at the over priced malls in the area. I've never had any problems with service from employees. Returns are never a problem either. Wth or with out a receipt. My dollar goes further at WM, well worth a couple minutes wait in the check out. Maybe once I have extra money growing on the tree out back I will shop at the trendy places. I was in Target a couple days ago and took a minute to check a price on a CD I just picked up at WalMart. $15. I bought the Led Zeppelin CD for $9.44 at WM. I've notice a couple other things but this is the most recent. Maybe it's just me but I like keeping my money.
Red, I don't think anyone who posts here with opinions unfavorable to Wal-Mart thinks strongly about not keeping their money. Instead, I think it is a consideration of all of the costs of doing business with Wal-Mart.

Again, I will recommend the Wal-Mart Movie, subtitled appropriately, the High Cost of Low Prices. While we all can recognize that the Led Zeppelin CD is a third less at Wal-Mart, but what about the other costs?

There are studies that show Wal-Mart keeps employees as a part-time laborers so they do not need to extend some of the hard won labor protections we have in our society; such as health care, vacation time, and retirement options. Wal-Mart, as an 'employee benefit' will coach their laborers how to take advantage of government services ~ such as medicaid ~ for services that other employers extend to their laborers.

So, one of the costs of having a Wal-Mart in town - the cost of that five dollar savings - is that your federal taxes must be increased to for social support systems in your neighborhood, because the largest corporation in the world would rather have the Federal Government cover costs that other employers cover.

Back when Ronald Reagan was president, he used to talk about those who abused the social support systems as 'Welfare Queens'. Here, we have a major corporation 'gaming' the system.

Over, and over again, a careful review of Wal-Mart's business practices show abuses designed to benefit the corporation, at the expense of the consumer and the vendor.

For me, the five bucks I might save on a CD, is just too high of a price to pay.

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