I developed a new style of martial arts!


White Belt
Feb 4, 2012
Reaction score
It's called Jeet Tae Do. It's in honor of Jeet Kung Do.
It's decoded as the way of intercepting kick.

Jeet Tek Do?

When you say Jeet Kung Do, who or what are you referring to?
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Member since 2012, with only this 1 single post? Something isn't making any sense here. Someone is using an alternate account, I think. You people have way too much time on your hands. Get off the internet and go train.

Member since 2012, with only this 1 single post? Something isn't making any sense here. Someone is using an alternate account, I think. You people have way too much time on your hands. Get off the internet and go train.
I always laugh when people say that. Get off the Internet and go train...well what are you doing right now then...and honestly there's no reason to take that tone here the op wasn't being offensive to anyone and seemed to just be making a joke.

Member since 2012, with only this 1 single post? Something isn't making any sense here. Someone is using an alternate account, I think. You people have way too much time on your hands. Get off the internet and go train.
Or someone who "lurks" and reads the forum, but never decided to post before.
I always laugh when people say that. Get off the Internet and go train...well what are you doing right now then...and honestly there's no reason to take that tone here the op wasn't being offensive to anyone and seemed to just be making a joke.

Just know that I know. ;)
I internet while i train by the way.
I'm at work (center), hanging out in the parking lot doing security with my brothers Big Jon (left) and George "Rat" Adkins (right). We can internet too lol.
What is interesting about this thread tho is that my style actually has a technique called Jeet Tek (the stopping kick). It happens to be one of my favorite techniques, simply because it is so natural to me and because it is meant to obstruct and off-set an opponent by using broken rhythm and nontelegraphic legwork. Does anyone else practice this technique? I'm sure someone does. ;)
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