I crashed & totaled my bike....


Master Black Belt
First and foremost, I am fine. No damages to myself and of course I wore all of my gear so I am uninjured. Only thing hurt is my pride.

I was in 3rd gear and was doing a U-Turn and hand just hit the throttle too mucha nd it got away from me. Front tire hit a curb and over she went. Cracked my stator case in the process and bent my clutch lever along with oil pouring out of my japanese mistress.

I tried riding her home and on the way she started slowing down and I heard a loud noise and smelt something funny and had no choice but to pull over on the side of the highway.

2 days later at the mechanic find out that I have some serious motor damage. When they turned it out it sounded like a gun shot.

I called my insurance company and they checked out out a said that it is totaled. I can either take a check for it or buy it back from the salvage company.

My first bike is now gone! I will miss my japanese goddess and keep pictures of her to remind me of the special moments we shared. At least the summer is over and riding season here in MN is almost over so that helps a lil. Time to look for something else.
Glad your ok. Whatever you do, don't let the crash get to you mentally. Get another bike asap and ride again.

Crashing a motorcylce is a trippy feeling isn't it
Nooooooooo :( :( :(

So very sorry to hear that Ace. Migod that must be incredibly disappointing. But I'm glad you are OK!
Glad your okay.

First rule of gambling-or gaming, as those who are any good at it say: You will lose.

First rule of motorcycling: You will crash.

Glad yours wasn't so bad-hope you learned, and get back on......
BUMMER...At least your OK..Ya need to get back on a bike ASAP...I will ride up here until they start spreading the salt..
That sucks. Glad you are ok, sorry about the bike. Take the advice of Tames D. Don't let it get to you mentally, learn from it, and ride safe. :)

What kind of bike was it?
Maybe over the Winter you can find an American Iron Goddess to replace you Japanese Goddess..Its a completely different way of riding..I have ridden EVERY kind of motorcycle out there...I think I told you that I went down real hard one time when riding behind a pack of local bike club..The HUGE President of the club also went down..He came over to see if I was all right and said to get on my bike and continue on....I said I wanted to sit there for a second.. He got in my face and said "Get on that mother ****ing bike NOW.".He later told me that he saw the fear on me and if I had not gotten back on my bike then I prolly would not have for a long time..
First rule of motorcycling: You will crash.

Unfortunatly one some people learn the hard way. There's a saying here:

There's two types of bikers:
1. those that have crashed
2. those that haven't crashed yet.

I had my share of gravitational pull when riding my bike too, got lucky a few times. As you yourself pointed out: good gear makes alot of difference too. Once had a (small, European -don't mock our small cars!) car run over my head (at least so i heard, and so did the mysterious tireprints on my visor confirm), and i got off with memory loss, a bloody nose and a weird aversion towards Italian cars. If I were to have worn a fancy novelty helmet my face would have been torn off.

Gave me a few things to think about in relation to proper precautions when taking ol' suzie out for a spin...

And that's completely discounting all the nastiness one can get when not wearing proper protective jackets and/or pants...

Anyway, as has been said many times before: the important part is that you're fine, although I imagine you might feel a bit sore.

Nonentheless, my sympathies for the tragic loss of your two-wheeled mistress of celerity.

Don't let it stop you from enjoying to drive a motorcycle.
Thanks everyone!

Yeah I will certainly take time time and make sure that I get a good deal on my next bike. I will admit after it happened I was nervous to get on it and was scared to just ride.

I notice that when you lay it down, it happens sooo fast! 1 second I was turning and then the next second I was on the ground with my bike.

Jade - It was a Honda CBR600rr

You know I always figured it would happen sooner or later and wondered just when it would. I will say I was in shock after it first happened because I couldn't believe it. I am bumed out now b/c it won't be till next riding season that I get back on a bike.

I always wear my gear and this spill just reinforces the idea of always wearing gear since you never know when something will happen.
Gotta echo the chorus of "Bummer, Dude!"

We all crash.

Climb back on.

Glad that you're okay. I went down on a sporty in the rain after a soccer mom "tapped" my fromt tire with the side of her mini-van several years ago. I turtled and skidded on my back, my bike went through a ditch and into a telephone pole.

Gave me an excuse to get a bigger bike.


Oddly, the wife wasn't as amused by my line of reasoning.


P.S. I still got the bike. :)
That does suck. I just got my class M learner's permit and will be taking Motorcycle safety foundations course in a couple of weeks.

I'll keep the wisdom of this thread in mind.

That does suck. I just got my class M learner's permit and will be taking Motorcycle safety foundations course in a couple of weeks.

I'll keep the wisdom of this thread in mind.


Get on that badboy and throw caution to the wind . But you didn't hear that from me

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