I can't win for losing


Purple Belt
I went back to TKD class today after a several month break.

Its going great. I wasn't as out of shape as I thought.. wrong.

during the 2nd run of my form. On the yul-gok.. they 2nd side kick elbow smash. I "snap" my kicks and apparently I snapped too hard, as I had this sharp pain rush to the back of my knee. Like someone shot me or something. Adrenaline rushing I tried to block it out and finish. however, on that jumping backfist.. my knees buckled and I crumbled to the ground, writhing in pain. My instructor pulled me to the side and got me an ice pack.

he said "I don't know what to do you with, everytime I get you back you go and get hurt on me.. lol"

So, its still hurting pretty bad. Not sure what I did to it. I took some tylenol and some vitamins for muscle and joint pain my instructor gave me and it seems to be easing off some. I hope I haven't torn anything.

my luck sucks.
whoa, that sucks. hope you get better, i know i had one period of hamstring pulls and tears that lasted about 8 months
Ouch, sorry to hear about this.

My best advice is to take the time necessary to recover properly and when you get back at it, and you will, take it slow starting and do not over do.
Ouch. I hope it doesn't take too long to get better. You should try easing back into class next time to let your body get used to doing the moves again before going "all out" We all tend to want to jump right back in where we were before the injury, but it take the body a bit of time to come back to where it was. The older I get, I know it takes longer and longer for me to come back from an injury.

hope you feel better!

First put ice on the knee. Stop the swelling. Advil will also help on this.

Tomorrow get a brace. Find one that has steel joints that really do stabilize your knee.

And please stay off it a while. Take it easy or you will just make it worse.

If it keeps buckling on you, see a doctor. You might have torn ligaments or worse, cartilage. Hopefully all you have are streached ligaments. That may take 6 months to a year to fully heal.

Next time you go to class, tell the instructor and ask if you can 'improvise' when asked to do specfic techniques. Improvise by not using the legs except to solid stable stances and do lots of hand techniques. That will improve your hands while you heal.

I've dammaged my knees before Sylo, so I've 'been there, done that'.

yeah. It feels a bit better now.

I hope I didn't tear anything. I can at least walk on it now without excrutiating pain.
Take care of that knee, and don't do anything too soon, that may cause pain or reinjury. Knee injuries are not fun. I hurt mine a few years ago and I felt like I was 100yrs old, trying to walk.

Rest that leg! :)
Take it easy for a while. Your knee has been damaged and it may need to be seen by a doctor. Do what you can but talk with the instructor and let him know you will be going at half speed and power till you know your knee will take more
Get thee to a doctor. Sharp pain followed by the knee buckling doesn't sound good. Getting an MRI or something is probably in order to asses exactly the extent of the damage. THEN, do what your doctors tell you to do.

Been there, done that... I speak from bitter personal expereince.

Get thee to a doctor. Sharp pain followed by the knee buckling doesn't sound good. Getting an MRI or something is probably in order to asses exactly the extent of the damage. THEN, do what your doctors tell you to do.

Been there, done that... I speak from bitter personal expereince.


Yeah, what he said! All my best!
Go to the doctors and then REST and take the proper time to recover. There is no rush, the training will be there for you when you go back.
I went back to TKD class today after a several month break.

Its going great. I wasn't as out of shape as I thought.. wrong.

during the 2nd run of my form. On the yul-gok.. they 2nd side kick elbow smash. I "snap" my kicks and apparently I snapped too hard, as I had this sharp pain rush to the back of my knee. Like someone shot me or something. Adrenaline rushing I tried to block it out and finish. however, on that jumping backfist.. my knees buckled and I crumbled to the ground, writhing in pain. My instructor pulled me to the side and got me an ice pack.

he said "I don't know what to do you with, everytime I get you back you go and get hurt on me.. lol"

So, its still hurting pretty bad. Not sure what I did to it. I took some tylenol and some vitamins for muscle and joint pain my instructor gave me and it seems to be easing off some. I hope I haven't torn anything.

my luck sucks.

Sorry to hear about this...but I would see a doctor if I were you. I had a similar thing happen about a year ago and have just now gotten back to about where I was then flexibilty-wise.

It will take some time...but unless it is really serious, you will make it back. Don't give up.
Sorry to hear about this...but I would see a doctor if I were you. I had a similar thing happen about a year ago and have just now gotten back to about where I was then flexibilty-wise.

It will take some time...but unless it is really serious, you will make it back. Don't give up.

Even if it IS really serious, once dealt with appropriately, training and time will get you back to where you need to be.


Went to class today (Tuesday is our off day). I tried to rest and relax my leg yesterday. It felt alot better today, but still tender. Certain movements would pull it, and cause pain. But I was able to walk without a limp.

My instructor insisted that I take it easy, as he didn't want to see me hurt worse. I went very light on the stretching as far as trying to dig deep. I did as much as my leg would allow. Thankfully wednesdays are sparring days.. so we do sparring drills. The first half of class on sparring day is all hands.. punches, blocks, etc. After that comes kicking drills, which during one of the punching drills I kind of lost my footing and pulled it again slightly. It was enough for my instructor to notice, and advise me to sit out for the kicking/sparring.

It was pretty terrible seeing everyone else getting to spar and kick.. while I'm crippled. Hopefully it will get better soon so I can get back into full swing.
Good advice posted: follow it!

You have to remember that the body is constantly remodeling: thicker and stronger when doing regular workouts, but thinner and weaker when you take a break!

You need to take the time and build up those muscles, ligaments, tendons and bones to where they need to be before going "all out" with your techniques.