I Bow To This Man's Talent


Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
Aug 21, 2003
Reaction score
Chattanooga, TN
I am an artist... and I saw this guy's work and just felt humbled... you should specifically check out the sidewalk/pavement art work and most specifically look for the COKE bottle... O...M...G...!!!!
The man is blessed nay...GIFTED with talent! :asian: :asian: :asian:
Amazing!! 3d illusions - they're incredible!!! Dayum....
I'm very Impressed~!! Wow is rather a lame word for it.. but WOW~!!

I wonder if the paintings are just left to wash away in the rain? Sure hope not~!
*just woke up so haven't read much text on the site yet*

Thanks for sharing MACaver~!!
That is awesome about the swimming pool. I had to look three times lol. Then realized that the guy with his toe in the pool was a real person lol and the coke can is too good for words.
Amazing... wish I had talent like that. Even my stickmen are questionable.
Nalia - you're so funny.
Thank you :D

I must admit...I have got quite a few chuckles from you as well!
I find it truly gratifying that he can present realism as well as impressionism in his works. Most 'modern' artists choose contemporary art as their means of expression, and it's refreshing to see someone utilize all of his skills. KT