I am feeling right


Senior Master
Apr 30, 2007
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For about four weeks I've been teaching and training three to four nights per week and my feet are feeling right, I am not weraing the ortophedic insoles anymore and even my training is not so high (I am still avoiding jumping and not too much turning around) I am feeling well, it's true I am not pushing myself to the limits but I am feeling no pain in my ankles (fasitis plantar), even I did a little kyorugi.

Good news I am loosing weight don't know how much but I've drop at leat two pants sizes, my pats fall off me easily and yes I need to buy new clothes.

My food intake is not so hight too, so I guess the work outs and control on my meals are helping me, the only thing I wish is to get to 205-210 punds in weight.

I am very happy and trying to improve my helth so maybe in a couple of weeks I will do TKD (teaching and training) 5 nights per week if possible.

This is great stuff! I would be careful about the 5 day thing though. As we get older, it becomes more difficult to find that sweet spot between conditioning and over training and we pay for the over training part much more severely than we did when we were younger. If what you're doing now is getting you to your goal, let it ride until you find additional or altered training is necessary.

Finding a diet that isn't even a diet but rather a permanent diet modification is essential, so keep it up! When i increased my training for my 4th, I relied as much on portion control as i did on calorie count. Sounds like you're on the right track!
Go for it Manny, the only one in charge of you, "is you". Keep up the focus..........
I want to teach TKD classes 2 nights per week and want to train TKD two nights per week, in that way I will not suffer soo much jajajaja, the fifth night will be optional. Teaching si not as physical demanding like training so teaching two times per week + training two nights per week could be achivable without disconfort.

I will pay atention to my health and offcourse my feet they will dictate if I am doing wrong or right.

About the diet I will try to incorporate more salads on the large meal of the day (in Mexico the equivalemnt of dinner is the comida and it's about 2 pm), and I will try to eat more fruits at night and less fact and carbohidrates.

Nice going Manny.
Nothing like needing new clothes or cutting another hole in your belt to boost you up.
You're the best Manny. Keep at it. Train smart. Train safe. But keep training. You're an inspiration to us all.

I am 43 and compared with the young people at dojan I have my limitations, for example injuries, it takes me more time to heal, also my body sometimes aches because of the lactic acid and when I do more of what my body can take, my flexibility is not soo good and I have regular stamina however I feel great (no matter the aches) and I know if I were not doing TKD my body will feel older and maybe my weight will be a big problem.

TKD and martial arts keep me moving and keep my mind fresh and clean, there are some folks my age that do nothing and it's a shame.

My set of goals right now are, keep learning, improving and trying next year for my 3rd DAN it will be nice to get it before my 45 birthday and who knows.... maybe around 50 I could achieve the 4th Dan..... but right now I will enjoy training and teaching.
