I am excited now...


Black Belt
(This is a copy from another thread in I had in the Taekwondo section, but since it has shifted to Kenpo talk, I copied it here for your thoughts.)

I think I have found a better place to train finally. I found a Kenpo dojo in downtown Chattanooga that looks promising. His prices are reasonable and he seems legitimate. He created what he calls "Five Animal Kenpo" but he has his 6th Degree BB in American Kenpo. His credentials are below...

Trevor Haines has been training
in the martial arts since 1977 and
teaching since 1986.

Summary of Credentials:

• Founder (Sijo) of Five Animal Kenpo
• 6th Deg. Black Belt in American Kenpo
• Sifu in Wing Chun Kung Fu
• Master of Arms in European Fencing
• B.A. Degree Communications

...Plus he was really nice on the phone and sounded encouraging. Here is a link to his youtube site. http://www.youtube.com/trevorhaines

I am starting the trial next week. Wish me luck!!! :)

Wherever I go, everyone is a little bit safer because I am there.

Wherever I am, anyone in need has a friend.

Whenever I return home, everyone is happy I am there.

by: Robert L. Humphrey (Iwo Jima Marine and Bujinkan 10th Dan)
Hello, Satt...
Congratulations on your find. Sometimes finding the right school for yourself is not only about desire. It has some to do with availability as well.

The instructor certainly sounds qualified. Would be interesting to find out who his American Kenpo instructor was?

My only issue would be his taking of the title "Sijo". Of course, I am of the old school, where there is only one Sijo, and if there are any others they are quite up in years. Small detail only.

The video I watched looked pretty much like A.K., with a little variation. Definitely Kenpo though...

Best of luck, and please keep us informed as to your progress. Although the road can be long and hard it is not without overwhelming reward.

Thank you.
Milt G.
i agree with Milt G.but let me say this, know how deep the water is before you jump in, i also watched his video,,like i said in there "it is what it is"
but if you are happy with him,than go for it,but remember what Mr Parker said
"know what you know, know why it's so":)
have a great day.
I would ask if what he is teaching is transferable. This 5 animal Kenpo sounds like something he may have cooked up. You may one day end up moving and ending up in a Kenpo school where they look at your cross eyed.
Omar has an excellent point, but transferring in Kenpo is highly subjective unless you move to a school under the same head instructor. Ask lotsa questions but that point wouldn't be a deal breaker for me.

Good luck with your journey and have fun!

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