I am deisappointed


Senior Master
Yestarday I saw some pics and a copuple of videos of my second dan test, I saw them with high spectation, the video of my kyompa was very good, I analiced it and saw why the boards in the first kick (yop chagi) did not broke. The persons holding the boards didin't made it well and instead of a firm grasp and that does not allow my foot to go through the boards. The guys correct their grasp and thing solved, in the second kick I did spining back kick the grasp was ok and the break was outstanding.

My kyorugy videos were bad, very bad, I su....ed in this part, I am fat and slow, pretty slow, the 5th dan guy who spared me was smaller than me, so he was quicker than me, I had a bad time chasing it and recieved good kicks, also this guy was or too freak about me or too careful cause in the clinches he grabed and pulled my sleve and grabed with nails and fingers the hogu ( Iknow this is not allowed but I didn't wan to argue this. This guy didn't hurt me a thing he barely could move me but I was very despointed about my performance, I was to sloow period.

My poomsae was very good, my one steps sparring were outstanding ( I use a couple of moves from hapkido/aikido) my techs were very good, my kyompa very good but kyorigy was horrible.

Damn it!!!! I need to go to 200-210 lbs to gain some more movility and speed.

LOL! Nothing like watching one's self on video to keep an ego in check, eh? ;) Turned the camera on myself early this year, and said much the same.

Good motivation.
Yes, watching me in video was something horrible, but the camera does not lie, I have to get better in kyorigui and loose some bacon,

Damn it!!!

Don't worry too much about it. Everyone has this Bruce Lee, Chuck Norris, Jet Li, and many other great technicians view of themselves. But when viewed from watching oneÂ’s self on video they realize that they don't look quite as good as they picture in their minds. Everyone should video themselves once in a while, it will keep them grounded.

You are never as good or as bad as you think. So be glad you passed.
I am happy cause I pass my test and did the best I could, this was a goal, a dream and something I deserved it, in overall my test was good infact, I got the ackowledgment of the board of examinators and got a nice citation from them. What I dislike is to see I am not as good as I thought to myself in kyorugi and this is something I have to improve, but need to get in better shape to do this.

I still the same Manny nothing has chance but I want to improve that's all. I think TKD is something more than just kyorugi.

Manny I will add this to what has been said, twenty five years ago I looked good and was fast, twenty years ago I was quick and still had something, tens years ago I was wise beyond my years and today I am willing to accept that I an a neer image of what I was. Not because of what people think and say but because it is the truth at over fifty and heavy I am know where near the age of 25 and 164 lbs. so do I expect to be perfect sure but reality says my perfection is less than it was some twenty five years ago and I would it is the same for all of us.
Manny, my friend, what we wish to see is as unreal as programs on the TV. For us "seasoned" students, I think that our opponent is stagnation--standing still and not growing. What is real might matter less than doing the best you can.

I think you should compare your testing to where you were six months or a year ago and ask if you are improving in skill or fitness. I know I'm not as fast as my 16 year old son, but I can defend myself well and am improving.

Sometimes I see young people who leave TKD after earning their black belt, still under 20. I bet you have seen some too. I think our art has much to offer at every age. I know I can do more than a year ago: my balance is better, my use of hips better--making my techniques more crisp, my kicks are higher, and I'm better at self-defense skills.

My goal is just to improve, to be better today than yesterday. Trying to catch the past is chasing ghosts. Better to try hard and have aches than watch from outside and grow old faster.

I hope you are healing well.

Manny, my friend, what we wish to see is as unreal as programs on the TV. For us "seasoned" students, I think that our opponent is stagnation--standing still and not growing. What is real might matter less than doing the best you can.

I think you should compare your testing to where you were six months or a year ago and ask if you are improving in skill or fitness. I know I'm not as fast as my 16 year old son, but I can defend myself well and am improving.

Sometimes I see young people who leave TKD after earning their black belt, still under 20. I bet you have seen some too. I think our art has much to offer at every age. I know I can do more than a year ago: my balance is better, my use of hips better--making my techniques more crisp, my kicks are higher, and I'm better at self-defense skills.

My goal is just to improve, to be better today than yesterday. Trying to catch the past is chasing ghosts. Better to try hard and have aches than watch from outside and grow old faster.

I hope you are healing well.


Thank you Carl you and Terry have been such a gentelmen here in this post. Since I came back (2007) my health has improve no doubt, I remeber the firsths months I could barely catch my breath, now I got exahusted some times but I can follow the class and finish it in one piece so that's is improving to me, my stamina has become better and I went from 276 to 260 pounds but need to loose more weight.

I am wisser now at my 42 than was I 22 there is no doubt.

Thank you Carl you and Terry have been such a gentelmen here in this post. Since I came back (2007) my health has improve no doubt, I remeber the firsths months I could barely catch my breath, now I got exahusted some times but I can follow the class and finish it in one piece so that's is improving to me, my stamina has become better and I went from 276 to 260 pounds but need to loose more weight.

I am wisser now at my 42 than was I 22 there is no doubt.


It is tough to get old!!! @ 47 I try to stay away from Cameras!!!
I am happy cause I pass my test and did the best I could, this was a goal, a dream and something I deserved it, in overall my test was good infact, I got the ackowledgment of the board of examinators and got a nice citation from them. What I dislike is to see I am not as good as I thought to myself in kyorugi and this is something I have to improve, but need to get in better shape to do this.

I still the same Manny nothing has chance but I want to improve that's all. I think TKD is something more than just kyorugi. Manny

Manny: You are beating up on yourself too hard. You -- and you know this -- performed well in that test. Your best work in Taekwondo at this stage might not be how well you do in kyorugi. What I think should matter more, is the quality of lessons about kyorugi that you pass on to the those that are coming after you.
Cameras, and video's yikes!!! I would hate to see what I looked like doing these things, the horror. You must have done well or you would not have passed the test. I, sometimes think that I am too old too slow too heavy etc. ect. etc. Then I look around at some of the people that I work with, my age, and think that there is no way any of them could begin to do what we or I do for fun. Taekwando much like life is a journey not a destination, just keep kicking work on the things that you need to and don't worry about the rest.
Cameras, and video's yikes!!! I would hate to see what I looked like doing these things, the horror. You must have done well or you would not have passed the test. I, sometimes think that I am too old too slow too heavy etc. ect. etc. Then I look around at some of the people that I work with, my age, and think that there is no way any of them could begin to do what we or I do for fun. Taekwando much like life is a journey not a destination, just keep kicking work on the things that you need to and don't worry about the rest.

You are right, sometimes I just want to be as the grandmaster who have developed such skills that are almost invencibles. Life is to short to try to make my own world a perfect one. We must do is practice and practice and then practice again. Perfection comes form hard work so our goal must be hard work not perfection.

I hate watching my grading videos. Ive learnt now to gauge more on how I felt I went. If I felt good and received good comments from my instructor then I did well, videos only disappoint. I had my wife video my 1st dan grading and have still not watched it and probably wont because I know it wont look as good as I felt I went.

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