Hunting - split from Kukri vs Machette

honestly mostly here we cull. Pigs are a pain to everybody and are fun to kill. Trophies are secondary. Even meat is secondary.

Look I ain't no hippy but you're kind of going into PhotonGuy's crass territory, who I doubt knows the first thing about hunting. Don't get me wrong, I of course enjoy the experience of a hunt or I would not do it. I used to hunt deer and pig and much smaller game but it was always for the meat for the large animals (on my uncle's farm the main purpose was actually eradication but the meat was used and as a by-product trophies, ie antlers, were taken too) and the pelts for the small ones, with the rabbits and possum pelts being sold.

But saying pigs are "fun to kill" sounds kind of sad - both as to yourself and your view on life (in general) and for the pigs.

Maybe you just meant the sheer enjoyment of being out in nature hunting and doing what we used to do before we became supermarket-grazers, fine. I get that feeling too.

But if you are simply finding it "fun" killing stuff, be it shooting stray pigs or fish in a barrel, then maybe that ain't so cool...
Photon Guy is a dick.

The idea of shooting elephants, lions, etc even if it is on a managed game reserve were supposedly the numbers are there to justify this (which globally I doubt) (or separately, anything on the endangered list) in this day and age is reprehensible. You can get better excitement elsewhere and hunt large game that can be used either by yourself or others for the meat etc.

As said, take a photo. Respect wildlife, hunt what you need only. Don't go to Africa and shoot their alpha predators.
Look I ain't no hippy but you're kind of going into PhotonGuy's crass territory, who I doubt knows the first thing about hunting. Don't get me wrong, I of course enjoy the experience of a hunt or I would not do it. I used to hunt deer and pig and much smaller game but it was always for the meat for the large animals (on my uncle's farm the main purpose was actually eradication but the meat was used and as a by-product trophies, ie antlers, were taken too) and the pelts for the small ones, with the rabbits and possum pelts being sold.

But saying pigs are "fun to kill" sounds kind of sad - both as to yourself and your view on life (in general) and for the pigs.

Maybe you just meant the sheer enjoyment of being out in nature hunting and doing what we used to do before we became supermarket-grazers, fine. I get that feeling too.

But if you are simply finding it "fun" killing stuff, be it shooting stray pigs or fish in a barrel, then maybe that ain't so cool...

you do understand they are feral here right?
you do understand they are feral here right?

Yup, just like possums, rabbits, deer and pig were not endemic where I grew up and we hunted the lot.

But I fail to understand just why something is feral would make killing that thing "fun" for you while something not feral, would not be fun. How does that work, please explain?
Yup, just like possums, rabbits, deer and pig were not endemic where I grew up and we hunted the lot.

But I fail to understand just why something is feral would make killing that thing "fun" for you while something not feral, would not be fun. How does that work, please explain?

feral pigs do nothing other than destroy our delicate ecosystem. Killing them is doing the environment a favor. It is the feral animals that are endangering the native animals.

So killing an animal that is basically not supposed to be there is more fun than killing an animal that is supposed to. That is why people kill ferals and not natives.

Would that not be the case that the animals escaped farms? Anyway why do people get fixated on Africa. Animals are murdered all over the globe. Whole species wiped out by real big men and their real big guns. Good answer. Stick them in a cage with a hungry and pissed off Tiger. Won't be justice served, but close enough. About time humankind woke up and realised we do not own this planet. We have right to take away what is not ours. Probably very naive sounding, but seeing aftermath of the glorious accomplishment of turning a handbag, or a fancy pair of shoes. Hope their footsteps are red.
Would that not be the case that the animals escaped farms? Anyway why do people get fixated on Africa. Animals are murdered all over the globe. Whole species wiped out by real big men and their real big guns. Good answer. Stick them in a cage with a hungry and pissed off Tiger. Won't be justice served, but close enough. About time humankind woke up and realised we do not own this planet. We have right to take away what is not ours. Probably very naive sounding, but seeing aftermath of the glorious accomplishment of turning a handbag, or a fancy pair of shoes. Hope their footsteps are red.
But elk, deer, bison, pig, sheep, turkey, rabbits, and squirrels are all delicious.

Actually, mountain lion backstraps are pretty tasty......

Feral pigs are fun to hunt-though a little scary, that's what makes them fun-they're smart, stronger than you and pretty well-armed. Use a primitive weapon (as I have) at the risk of pooping your pants!

Animals cannot, by definition, be "murdered.":

From the very excellent Merriam Webster Collegiate English Language Technical Manualp (that's engineerspeak for "dictionary.)
Full Definition of MURDER
: the crime of unlawfully killing a person especially with malice aforethought
Would that not be the case that the animals escaped farms? Anyway why do people get fixated on Africa. Animals are murdered all over the globe. Whole species wiped out by real big men and their real big guns. Good answer. Stick them in a cage with a hungry and pissed off Tiger. Won't be justice served, but close enough. About time humankind woke up and realised we do not own this planet. We have right to take away what is not ours. Probably very naive sounding, but seeing aftermath of the glorious accomplishment of turning a handbag, or a fancy pair of shoes. Hope their footsteps are red.

Do you eat meat?
But elk, deer, bison, pig, sheep, turkey, rabbits, and squirrels are all delicious.

Actually, mountain lion backstraps are pretty tasty......

Feral pigs are fun to hunt-though a little scary, that's what makes them fun-they're smart, stronger than you and pretty well-armed. Use a primitive weapon (as I have) at the risk of pooping your pants!

Animals cannot, by definition, be "murdered.":

From the very excellent Merriam Webster Collegiate English Language Technical Manualp (that's engineerspeak for "dictionary.)

There's no doubt the hunt, the tracking and pitting of wits is fun but should the actual killing be 'fun' or should it be something that is done quickly and cleanly without a sense of enjoyment at the animals death? Should you feel pleasure at the sight of an animal's death throes?
Without being over emotional or maudlin, no one should find pleasure in the death of any living being who hasn't actually done you harm. It's necessary to kill for food but it isn't necessary to glory in the death of the animal you kill. Hunting for trophies is just killing because you can, it's actually quite a childish thing to do, showing off to no actual point.
But elk, deer, bison, pig, sheep, turkey, rabbits, and squirrels are all delicious.

Actually, mountain lion backstraps are pretty tasty......

Feral pigs are fun to hunt-though a little scary, that's what makes them fun-they're smart, stronger than you and pretty well-armed. Use a primitive weapon (as I have) at the risk of pooping your pants!

Animals cannot, by definition, be "murdered.":

From the very excellent Merriam Webster Collegiate English Language Technical Manualp (that's engineerspeak for "dictionary.)

Knives and dogs here.
There's no doubt the hunt, the tracking and pitting of wits is fun but should the actual killing be 'fun' or should it be something that is done quickly and cleanly without a sense of enjoyment at the animals death? Should you feel pleasure at the sight of an animal's death throes?
Without being over emotional or maudlin, no one should find pleasure in the death of any living being who hasn't actually done you harm. It's necessary to kill for food but it isn't necessary to glory in the death of the animal you kill. Hunting for trophies is just killing because you can, it's actually quite a childish thing to do, showing off to no actual point.

shouldn't find pleasure punching people in the face. But we all do martial arts.
feral pigs do nothing other than destroy our delicate ecosystem. Killing them is doing the environment a favor. It is the feral animals that are endangering the native animals.

So killing an animal that is basically not supposed to be there is more fun than killing an animal that is supposed to. That is why people kill ferals and not natives.
Agreed, I grew up in NZ so it is the same for possums, rabbits - and also pig and deer, non of those are endemic over there, they all wreck the ecosystem that did not develop with them in mind and so they are all open game. So I think I understand what you are saying in that they are "more fun" to kill than a native species (but my take on that is that, it is "better" to be hunting/killing these animals, rather than those that are a natural part of the environment). But I was trying to make the point that Tez3 summed up, in that no matter what you are hunting, the actual killing bit should not be deemed as "fun".

Going to extremes, if forced to make a decision between shooting an innocent 5 year old girl or a hardened criminal, I would take the criminal any time. But that doesn't mean pulling the trigger and putting a bullet in the crook's head would be fun (...okay if the crim was some scumbag paedo, murderer or rapist, then that might be fun...hmmm, maybe this analogy is not such a good one after all...)
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But elk, deer, bison, pig, sheep, turkey, rabbits, and squirrels are all delicious.

Actually, mountain lion backstraps are pretty tasty......

Feral pigs are fun to hunt-though a little scary, that's what makes them fun-they're smart, stronger than you and pretty well-armed. Use a primitive weapon (as I have) at the risk of pooping your pants!

Animals cannot, by definition, be "murdered.":

From the very excellent Merriam Webster Collegiate English Language Technical Manualp (that's engineerspeak for "dictionary.)

Yes I realized that it was a narrow frame of reference.
Yes I do and I realize that by doing so that I am also mired in hypocrisy. Because I eat meat then, in your mind killing endangered species for fun is okay then? Well each to their own I guess.

In Botswana, Zimbabwe and South Africa, the elephant is not "endangered." It is protected-and there are legal hunts. While elephant is likely delicious ,given the expense and travel time involved, I can't imagine one hunts elephant for anything other than fun.
Yes I do and I realize that by doing so that I am also mired in hypocrisy. Because I eat meat then, in your mind killing endangered species for fun is okay then? Well each to their own I guess.

Your statement made no mention of endangered species, only that animals were "murdered" all over the globe.

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