Hunter S. Thompson, he dead...

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Karazenpo said:
But anyone's better than Barney, even Ward Churchill, lol. In all serious though, did you know at the beginning of the Afganistan Taliban overthrow that our government 'tortured', yes, tortured, Al Queda operatives. First they played them continuous heavy metal music but that had minimal affect. Then they played the theme song from Barney over and over and over again, hour upon hour, all day, all night until finally they broke down and talked! True story, lol.
I have actaully heard this before. I heard that it was Mettallica alternated with Barney. I don't know if it is true, but I have heard it.

And yes I am familiar with Boohbah's, unfortunately.

*bangs head on wall*
The guy we really ought to be thinking about in this connection, I suspect--and here's a name we ain't heard in a while--is Phil Ochs.

"Well I marched to the battles of the German trench
At the end of the bloody British war
Oh they musta killed a million men
And now they want me back again
But I ain't a-marching any more..."

Beyond the fact that I guess a lot of responses are easier than going and reading his books, or having any sympathy for madness and despair...