Human Weapon Silat 1 through 5 Video Clips!

This was a cool show. I didn't know much about silat before. Now, I know a little more. A lot of this looks like what we do in Kara-te.
This was a cool show. I didn't know much about silat before. Now, I know a little more. A lot of this looks like what we do in Kara-te.
Unfortunately they showed very little real Silat and a lot of the Olah Raga (Sport) which is basically Karate/TaeKwonDo/KungFu type of techniques used as a foundation for the sport style.

If you want to see some really good Silat just go here and check these out:

Teacher: Eddie Ivester
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Man that guy in the first clip can REALLY move. I'd love to see his applications, I'm sure they're extremely painful. =).

Some more clips from youtube. Bambang Suwanda, brother to the late Pendekar Herman Suwanda. Very good stuff.

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