C'mon. You can read - is that what I said? I don't think so.
Let's review ... your language in italics
there were no illegal aliens coming to the US committing homicides, burglaries, "importing" drugs, and so on
That is what you said.
Ray said:
I also didn't say "undocumented workers" I said "illegal aliens." It's nice if some have a job -- that's a couple more crimes committed (possibly) by the employer and the illegal alien. Do you let them use your social security number?
There are between ten and twelve million of the people to whom we are referring ~ leaving aside our different descriptions for the moment. How many of those twelve million do you suppose are "
committing homicides, burglaries, 'Importing' drugs and so on" as compared to those who have jobs, and have employers who are withholding payroll taxes from them; as a ratio. How many do you suppose?
I believe the argument about "
homicides, burglaries and importing drugs", is a 'red herring'. The definition from Wikipedia reads:
A red herring is a metaphor for a diversion or distraction from an original objective.
Ray said:
So illegal aliens are not responsible for "all" the social ills. Do you suggest that we can't do something, somewhere to lower our social ills?
Very good. It would seem that you to some extent, agree that "
homicides, burglaries, and 'importing' drugs" is less than relevant to our discussion. So perhaps we can leave it aside for the time being.
I would suggest that we do not have an illegal alien problem, but rather an illegal employer problem. As you might expect, you and I probably disagree with which course of action to take concering this issue.
Ray said:
I'm certain that's not allowed in logic. Let's make something up to demonstrate our point...perhaps we can also just fabricate our point to begin with.
There comes a point when we must distinguis between reality and fantasy (sorry: science fiction).
I did distinguish between fact and fiction. I referenced the 'Trail of Tears', in which the Cherokee nation of Georgia suffered a force migration to the Mid-West. Do we need to review the forced migration of the native Africans to serve on the plantations in the new world? Do we need to review the forced migration of the people living in the Holy lands in the middle of the last century?
Perhaps you can provide an example from 'reality' where the forced migration of one group has turned out well?
Ray said:
So lets keep the children of illegal aliens in the US and send their parents back to where they came from? That seems a heck of a lot more humanitarian?
Let us acknowledge that those whom you describe as "t
he children of illegal aliens", in many cases, are American Citizens. If it is acceptable to force American Citizens out of the country, for humane or any other reason, what other acceptable actions can be taken against American Citizens? Let us strip away the rights of American citizens, because we can; for they are small and weak, and being with their parents is more important than the Protections of our Nation of Laws.
Ray said:
As I said, let's change the law - if you are in the country legally (not you specifically) and you give birth to a child then that child is a citizen. If you are not in the country legally and you give birth to a child then that child is a citizen.
As IBM used to say: "think"
I am reminded of the Saturday morning cartoon, about Bill.
The law as it exists today, makes children born in the United States citizens. It can be changed. But as it stands now, the facts are the facts.
And, although it has not been mentioned in this discussion, if someone were to suggest to alter the law 'retroactively' ~ the question becomes what other laws can be changed 'retroactively'.
I will wait for Mr. Huckabee to "clarify" his position. What he said on Meet the Press was exceedingly stupid, and self-contradictory.