


hello there. been reading your site for a few days and so i figured i'd make it official and sign up.
Hello, I see you live in Provo. I live in Lehi. Another MT'er here (MACaver) lives in Provo as well. Welcome! :wavey:

Let us know a little bit more about your martial arts background. What brings you to pick up BJJ?

- Ceicei
Welcome to the forum! :ultracool

thanks for the welcome. it's weird being on a forum with friendly people for once. :)

i've been off and on with bjj for about 4 years or so now. started it while i was in the marines, but then got out. started up with paul tom out in lindon a couple of times, but everytime i get going in a school my family stability blows up and so my money gets diverted.

i like bjj because it seems to be easier on my knees (which i messed up while in the marines). i'd like to get going with a stand up art as well, but i have to be careful about what i do. thinking about wing chun, since i've trained in that for a bit with my buddies and it seems to use mostly lower kicks. i've been looking around for a kali school, but it seems that every hint of one that has been in utah has disappeared. at least from what i can see.

besides that, i've done some boxing and kickboxing, but mostly for fun.

once again, thank you for the warm welcome, and i look forward to getting to know you all better. :)
Greetings amd welcome to MT..Enjoy your stay..
Howdy from Texas! :wavey: Hope you're enjoying the fora, & if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask.

Gin-Gin :asian: