

Yellow Belt
Hey everyone, I just signed up and figured I'd introduce myself, I'm 15 live in Meblourne Australia, I have been boxing for a few months and am hoping to get into muay thai in he near future:D
mad_boxer said:
Hey everyone, I just signed up and figured I'd introduce myself, I'm 15 live in Meblourne Australia, I have been boxing for a few months and am hoping to get into muay thai in he near future:D

Welcome to Martial Talk, and welcome to Muay Thai. I cannot begin to tell you how much fun you will have with Muay Thai. Feel free to ask whatever you think you need to know; it's a great bunch of guys here. Also, I'd urge you to take part in the other categories of discussion, there are a lot of reputable folks here from many different arts; and you can learn a bit from just conversing with folks. The Muay Thai forum can also get a little slow, so, please participate in the general areas, and any other area you think you might be able to share an experience.
Hi mad_boxer. Welcome to Martial Talk. I ditto AdrenalineJunky's advice. Feel free to check out all areas of the board and participate in discussions. You will learn a lot here. Ask any questions you may have and best wishes to you in getting started with Muay Thai training. Keep us posted on your progress. :)
Welcome to the Board :)

I've moved your thread to 'Meet n' Greet' this way you'll have a whole lot of people saying 'Hi' :)

-MT Assist. Admin
Henderson said:
Kon'nichi wa!

I find your greeting biased and exclusive to those of us who don't say greetings in English, Japanese, or Spanish. What about French, Swahili, and that strange clicking language? :)
Navarre said:
I find your greeting biased and exclusive to those of us who don't say greetings in English, Japanese, or Spanish. What about French, Swahili, and that strange clicking language? :)

My sincerest appologies to all those I have ostricized by my linguistic exclusion. :asian: I shall try to work on my sensitivity to other peoples feelings.

Bon Jour!
Jambo! (Swahili)

That's better, Henderson. Thanks. I'll let you off with the clicking language. heh heh

Y'see what kind of group you've found here, Mad Boxer? I hope your screen name indicates insanity, not anger. You'll need to be a bit crazy around here.

Welcome again!
Thanks for the warm welcomes guys. LOL this is actually the first forum i have ever joined so i am a bit lost. and the mad in my name is referring 2 how good i am like u know when somethings good u say its mad lyk that, not tat i hav a big head or anything lol
I think you've made an excellent choice for your first forum. There are some odd people here (and by "people" I mostly mean me) but it's a great group.

I think you'll find some of the most knowledgable people on the net right here. And, although that knowledge pertains mostly to martial arts, many members have a lot to offer in any discussion raised.

Welcome to the world of Martial Talk. You gots da mad skillz, boyee!
Welcome, mad_boxer! Excellent first choice, and one I'm sure you won't be disappointed in making, either. Feel free to roam the boards! We're mostly a nice bunch of people.

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