How'd you feel about your test?


Master Black Belt
Hiya all,

The week of tip testing, I feel I did really well. I tested four times (we go through the testing routine all week even if you are testing or not). I got my final tip the second day (the first day, my instructor said it was a "practice run" LOL). I wasn't nervous, and I breezed through everything.

When I tested for senior red (high red). I don't feel I did so well. I think I did 2 out of maybe 6 or 7 forms correctly (I had to repeat a couple of them). For those WTF'ers out there, I know I did Taegeuk 4 perfect. I butchered Taegeuk 1, 2, and 6. Taegeuk 7, I did ok, but I think my stances were off. I did my bo form to the "T." I was happy about that.

The breaking portion was awful. I did a reverse punch first. Didn't break the boards, but nearly broke my hand I tried a jumping front kick ... also a no-go. I blasted the boards apart with an elbow strike. And I did a front leg hook kick. Took me two tries. I had to break two boards for every station.

My self defense stuff wasn't all that great. My technique went out the window on those But I did my one-steps good. I actually had to show someone else the right ones to do (I kinda helped them "cheat" I think).

But I feel I did great on the sparring. I thought I had to spar maybe 3 times at the most for my portion of the test, but my instructor kept calling me back up to do 2 on 1's with the black belts that were testing (I was the second person). I did give them a run for the money :)

Anyways, I thought I could "redeem" myself at the tourny last week for what I did wrong on my test (forms and breaking). But that didn't happen (more on that later).

Tell me the story of some of your tests and how you felt about it. Did you pass/fail and didn't/did agree with it? Let me hear it, folks.
It's been a while back but it was my orange belt exam. To this day I still feel that I was on the borderline between passing and failing. I felt that I had more cons than pros during that exam. The katas Im sure I did okay. Some of the oral history I stumbled through. Again it was the rolls that are my weak points. Being a somewhat big guy, I can't do rolls as smooth. Carrying too much excess baggage I guess. 8-) Done fine with the Jo Staff, striking and blocking. All in all, I felt that I could have done alot better. So it was a shocker when I learned I passed. To be honest, I wished I failed so I could have taken the test over again and redeem myself. When I do return, Im going to make sure that Im prepared for the next exam so i won't have to second guess myself.......Steve
Kempogeek, I feel the same exact way. I still don't know if I passed. But I didn't get a phone call saying "don't show up to graduation (which is this friday)," so I'm assuming I did.

I feel that I was also boarderline. Maybe my instructor took into account that I did so well during tip testing week. I don't know. But I wish I could do it over, and fix my mistakes for the real test.

As for your test, you said you tested for orange. I'm assuming that's a low rank in Kempo. So, I wouldn't really worry too much. Some instructors go a little easier on the lower ranks. I know my instructors do, and I do when I'm the assistant in class. Just for the fact that you are still fairly new at making your body do weird things LOL. And you will have plenty of time to redeem yourself ;)
Hi Laurie. I'll hold my congratulations until Friday's graduation. Don't want to jinx it. But as you said since you didn't received the call by now, it's good news. You are right. Orange is a lower rank, after white and yellow (they call it gold). I forgot to mention that maybe my sensei felt that I did my best and was good enough to squeak by. This may sound like a sin but I almost wanted to throw away the certificate as I felt that I didn't earn it. Sometimes I can be my own worst critic. As you mentioned, I have plenty of time to redeem myself and convince my fat behind to do those rolls 8-). Good luck Friday and keep us posted.......Steve
Hello, Everyone gets the nervous and self-doubts before testing. I did!! big time!

Once the testing starts, I keep telling myself I CAN DO THIS! and I will not fail. My mind goes in to positive forcus and control.

We tested on Jun 29th 2005 at our Las Vegas Seminar, during the evenings (4 hours long). This was for the people testing 2nd Degrees and up. Whew! glad all went well!

We also had 7 Chief Instrutors promoted to 8th Degree- Assistant- Professors in our system. They have a white,red, belts specially made by our Head Professor and wife

It is OK to be nervous....once it starts focus on doing what is necessary for the testing.... tell yourself "I CAN DO THIS"!!!!!!!.................Aloha
Thanks Steve. I'll definitely keep ya posted on it :)

Anyways, I feel the same way. I almost took my stripes off my belt today, but I earned those ;) So I thought when I get the senior red one (a thicker black stripe on the left), I'll be ripping that one off instead. But like you said, maybe my instructor was looking at other things as well. He knows I can do forms well in class (I still stink a breaking, eventhough I love it LOL), so maybe he took that into account. Maybe it was because I was under pressure ... who knows.

Maybe that's my problem .... I am my own worse critic.

I'm glad there's someone out there like me. Thanks so much for you story Steve. It helped a lot.

still learning, thanks to you also. I was nervous as h.... So that could be part of the problem. Congrads to you and your friends for the test :) Did ya pass?
Happy to be of service Laurie. Believe me, I would stink at breaking like week old socks. And this is from someone who never tried it. There goes that harsh critic in me again. 8-) I feel that you have gotten this far because you are very good. Being nervous is common as Still Learning mentioned but we can't let that get the best of us. no matter what belt exam it is. As stated, keep saying to yourself "I CAN DO THIS". Positive thinking is the key. So keep Learning's advice close to you for the next exam and good luck! Yes Still Learning, did you pass? (Fingers crossed) Im a sucker for happy endings.......Steve
Thanks Steve. I will try :) I also like breaking so much that I read up on the physics (sp) of breaking today hehehehehe. Don't worry. You will get there (breaking, I mean).

And yes, still learning, do tell :)

I'll be back friday night to give ya details about my graduation ;)

Thanks again guys :) But I still wanna hear from others about their tests. Come on. Spill your guts guys/gals. We are not the only three ... sheesh ;)
karatekid1975 said:
(the first day, my instructor said it was a "practice run" LOL). I.
the same thing happened to me when i tested for my blue
after i finished the test my instructor looked at me and said well we will call
that a pretest. the following week i tested just fine
Hello, Still learning did pass from 1st to 2nd Degree. We all know the learning and practicing will never end unless we quit or die? Thank-you .....Aloha
Congrads, still learning :)

I found out the "result" of my test today. I had a chat with my instructor. I have to re-test in November. He didn't use the word "fail." He just told me (amoung other things we chatted about) to retest.

I actually don't feel "bad" about it. It was more of a sigh of "relief." It's weird, but I agree with his decision. I'm totally cool with it. He did give me a complement about my technique in class, which is how he could tell that my technique wasn't "there" for the test. But he did ride my behind about preparing for the test next time around (I wasn't really prepared for it this time and he could tell). I was also not focused. My mind was elsewhere (for a few personal reasons). So, yea, I totally agree with him.

I'm still going to graduation tomorrow, just not in uniform. I'll go to support the ones who did pass.