Howard Stern Exposes Why So Many People Support Obama

I loved this question:

"Are you glad Obama picked Sarah Palin as his VP?"

I loved all the yes answers.
Look Bob....

...I'm trying to stay positive here.... I don't need you continuously reminding me how stupid people are. :rolleyes: lol
I'll loan you my copy of Nailin Paylin when I'm done with it. I'm -positive- you'll laugh your *** off. :)
Wow. I know its a good example of cull out the stupids, but sometimes one is surprised as just how deep the barrel goes.

Ya know what? I suspect that that ain't even the bottom.
You mean like the guy I talked to earlier today who insisted that Cheney was running?
(He had him confused with McCain)
You mean like the guy I talked to earlier today who insisted that Cheney was running?
(He had him confused with McCain)

That's actually not that hard for the stupids. They are two old white guys that look like walking corpses.

Oh well, at least now we give people reason to see the world as black or white...

It's possible to take that pun wrong, please don't ;)