How young do you start training kids

searcher said:
That is actually a fabulous idea. That is very similar to what I do with young prospective students. I "trial" them for a short time to see if they are going to be able to make it in class.

I don't mean to sound cenacle but I am not a baby sitter, however; I also realize I am not going to turn them into Jet Li over night. I just want a happy medium like instilling values and discipline and teaching them enough self defense and awareness so that kids do not put themselves in a bad situation. I really don't want parents wasting money either, because when they are not happy it gets around. Kind of like you only here about the winners in Vegas you never hear anyone comeback and say I lost the mortgage to the house.


True enough on not being a babysitter. Many parents think that if they enroll their dimpled darlings in MA's the instructor will turn them into well-disciplined children. This is where the parents have a grave mis-understanding of what we are capable of or are willing to do. I have other things to do with my time and I do not want to take over their role of being a parent/disciplinarian. I will not neglect my other students and their training to dish out "spankings" or to change diapers for a bunch of brats. If the parents want to give their children discipline then they need to do that at home.
Thanks so much everyone for the views that have been expressed. :D :D
I have yet to read anything that is not great advice.
The thing that we have going for us is that we are all mates and the kids would play together during the week anyway so the ones that want to train can and the ones that dont want to or arent ready for it dont have too.
I appreciate your feedback. :ultracool
For me it is whatever age the kids start showing real physical prowess and not nervous energy. Nervous energy is better delt with in team sports IMO. Generally speaking somewhere between eight and twelve is about right. I was ten when I started.

I have 2 boys and they are 5 and 3. Me, personally, will not start them until they are about 8. Right now, they are still too young IMO. I started when I was 8 and I thought that was good enough. As I am progressing through my journey, when they get to that age, they can enjoy the journey more when they know that their dad will be taking it with them. :)

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