How to insure people with pre-existing conditions


Lifetime Supporting Member

I tried to find a quick, relevant pre-existing thread, but couldn't, so I put this article on its own.

Such subsidies would not be as common or large as politicians let on. Very few of the uninsured are uninsurable: “less than 1 percent of the population,” writes health care economist Mark Pauly. A Department of Health and Human Services survey had similar conclusions. When last spring’s health control law created high-risk pools for the uninsurable, Medicare’s chief actuary predicted that 375,000 people would enroll. By December, only 8,000 had done so.
I said it before I will say it again....

Insurance is something you buy to protect you against unforseen circumstances

Health Care is what you pay for to deal with an issue that you already have, you should not be able to insure against an existing condition.

where the sticking point comes is when the insured who develops an issue losed their ability to keep paying that insurance after they develop the condition and lose it..

I dont think that forcing another insurance company to accept that patient is fair.
I dont think that forcing the initial insurance company to allow the person to remain indefinitely for free is fair either.

I have not spent enough time thinking about it to develop any realistic option, and I have never read any realistic option from anyone else either..
I see this as a huge problem that is only going to get worse and worse, regardless of whether Obamacare stays or goes..
If Obamacare stays my suspicion is that most of the high end ultra expensive cures treatments, and options will disappear. If Obamacare goes those options will still remain out of reach for the vast majority of the population.
For some reason I am thinking that the end result either way is going to have to be that most people go without those high end treatments, options, and cures and instead start working more on preventative care, early treatments, and maintaining a better lifestyle.
Like I said in a previous threat I think good ways to start dealing with medical treatment is in the prison systems.. remove all medical care but the most basic... bandaids and antibiotics are about the extent of it for them, unless they have the money to pay for more advanced treatment themselves.. allow them to participate in clinic trials of for pharmaceutical companies if necessary..
I think that my own thoughts are leading me more and more into thinking that some sort of basic health care system....not insurance.... but a basic health care system that includes basic medications only, basic treatments only, and basic preventative care ideas might make alot of sense... but the problem there is everyone will expect the best medications and best treatments for the most advanced and varied problems on the planet. I would be willing to pay about 40-50 bucks a month per family member for a basic plan like that... I would imagine that if the majority of the people in the nation spent that amount, and if it covered only basic care then even if illegal aliens, or non paying residents went there for care it would still be profitable. I would still keep my actual insurance plans, and would probably never take my family to those general treatment centers or whatever they would be called, but that seems like something that would be fair for everyone or at least alot more fair then what is out there and being proposed now.

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