How to Have Fast Kicks?

Besides perhaps ankle weights, I mean are there some things technique wise? Maybe already have 80% of weight on back foot? Angle hips a certain way? Anything like that...
Ok, makes sense. Thanks CB.
Martial D needs to take a couple years off and practice his social skills as well as respect. Take a break sonny. My ignore button is getting the workout today. Don't bother trying to get in the last will be like a tree falling in the forest when no one's there, sonny.
Ok, makes sense. Thanks CB.
Martial D needs to take a couple years off and practice his social skills as well as respect. Take a break sonny. My ignore button is getting the workout today. Don't bother trying to get in the last will be like a tree falling in the forest when no one's there, sonny.
He said nothing wrong there. If you're offended by that then you need to toughen up a bit.

You want to get better at spelling? You spell more
You want to get better at driving? You drive more.
You want to run faster? You go running

you want to kick faster? You throw kicks

Tree falling In the forest and no one there.....mate you're not Bruce Lee don't need to try and talk like him be yourself, be your own man your own martial artist, that's the only true way to honour lees philosophy
One thing to remember is work on speeding up how fast you chamber the kick.

A faster chamber=faster kick.
Unless you don't chamber kicks. I was trained to but some great kickers just throw from the floor.
Ok, makes sense. Thanks CB.
Martial D needs to take a couple years off and practice his social skills as well as respect. Take a break sonny. My ignore button is getting the workout today. Don't bother trying to get in the last will be like a tree falling in the forest when no one's there, sonny.
You say your ignore button is working, but you disliked my post like 2 hours after you said that. So either youre lying, or it bothered you that much you had to 'unignore' me just to dislike it
You say your ignore button is working, but you disliked my post like 2 hours after you said that. So either youre lying, or it bothered you that much you had to 'unignore' me just to dislike it
You best show this guy some respect. He may not know the first thing about martial arts, but I bet he has seen every Bruce Lee movie at least twice!
What's the best way to develop FAST front kicks? Just wear ankle weights?
I do NOT recommend kicking with weights. You can damage your joints (knees) very easy. Run, stretch, swing with weights. Use them in tension. But the explosive extension of a kick is hard enough to control without added weight. Practice speed kicks into some some kind of resistance, a target. Use a stick or step to force your leg to kick over to improve your chamber. Speed is relative and hard to gauge. A super fast kick alone can be quite ineffective against a quality opponent. I have seen more than a few super fast kicks with a terrible setup or chamber that just did not work.
You best show this guy some respect. He may not know the first thing about martial arts, but I bet he has seen every Bruce Lee movie at least twice!
plus, he's your dad...or at least I assume he is since he keeps calling you sonny.
The preying mantis master Brendan Lai told me the following method:

After shower, when your body is still wet, throw one front kick. you then check to see if your leg is completely dry.

Yeah, then my wife comes in and gripes about the water all over the mirror....
Just as we don't chamber our punches in WC, we also do not chamber our kicks.
Raise the knee, yes, but don't pull it back into a chambered position.

To learn fast kicks,kick slowly. If you always throw your kicks fast, you are relying on momentum and may be covering up bad technique.
If you go slow, you are bringing more muscles into play and have the added :benefit of seeing any flaws in your technique.
After doing this for a while, when you do get back to fast kicks you should see improvement.
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Most of the CMA kick don't pull back to the chambered position. The reason is simple, in CMA a kick can be used to "move in".

The second video is closer to how we do It in WT.
One of the maxims we use is every kick is a step and every step is a kick.
To learn fast kicks,kick slowly. If you always throw your kicks fast, you are relying on momentum and may be covering up bad technique.
If you go slow, you are bringing more muscles into play

To increase fast twitch muscle fibers you either need to do fast explosive movements with light weight or heavier weighted slow movements.

Doing slow movement with less weight and more reps develops slow twitch muscle.