How to fold ROK Flag?

40th Alabama

Yellow Belt
My TKD school trains in a church gym, therefore all of our flags, equipment, etc., must be relegated to a storage closet when we quit for the night. We display the US flag and the ROK flag. The younger kids have learned to properly fold the US flag and I would like to teach them the proper way to fold the ROK flag. I have written the Korean Consulate here in Atlanta twice with no response, the US Ambassador to the ROK once (no response) and have applied an exhaustive Google search in an effort to find instruction. The closest I have come is a website for a US Engineering Battalion stationed in Korea where they show a video of the lowering of the US and Korean flags, but it ends about 1/3 of the way through the process. I am beginning to believe there is no proper protocol for this. Does anyone know of a site they can point me to in order to solve this riddle? You help would be greatly appreciated!
I asked a Guiding friend who has been on an exchange visit in Korea, ( we have a fair few flags in Guiding) she said folding it as you would your own flag would be fine. If you treat it as if it were your own that would be respectful enough.
there is a You Tube video supposedly how to do it but it is make by a kid and I'm not sure how much credence to give it.
I asked a Guiding friend who has been on an exchange visit in Korea, ( we have a fair few flags in Guiding) she said folding it as you would your own flag would be fine. If you treat it as if it were your own that would be respectful enough.
there is a You Tube video supposedly how to do it but it is make by a kid and I'm not sure how much credence to give it.
Thanks! I saw the kid's video and found a video of a US Army unit stationed in Korea lowering and partially folding the flag. The two were not even similar. I've heard that folding it as if it was the US flag would demonstrate respect, but every fold of the US flag has a purpose that would not correspond to the ROK flag. Just doesn't feel right. It may be that the ROK does not have a protocol for folding-just fold with respect.
I don't know the protocol for the Korean flag, but I appreciate your teaching the kids to respect the American flag. Good for you.
Thanks! I saw the kid's video and found a video of a US Army unit stationed in Korea lowering and partially folding the flag. The two were not even similar. I've heard that folding it as if it was the US flag would demonstrate respect, but every fold of the US flag has a purpose that would not correspond to the ROK flag. Just doesn't feel right. It may be that the ROK does not have a protocol for folding-just fold with respect.

The US attached more importance to their flag than most countries do, in the UK for us it's just a flag we have other things we attach feelings to in the same way that Americans do to their flag. However, I believe that as long as you are respectful towards others they rarely mind if it's not done the way they do things. They do understand.
Don't forget to also display the flag correctly. It is very difficult to get the Korean flag hung properly, as the trigrams all look similar and confusing. I recently had to flip mine around.

Most people that train in community gyms or churches don't display any flags or dojang items at all. Good for you for keeping this formal dojang tradition alive! And also for teaching your students respect for flags.

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