How to be immortal

Following the adage of "you are what you eat" this makes sense. Happy meals and Twinkies should prevent decay (and hence, aging) indefinitely.
I agree with "eat happy meals-after 6 months it still looks the same". I wonder what are in those meals? Can I put it in my bath or something or drink it as a supplement.
Following the adage of "you are what you eat" this makes sense. Happy meals and Twinkies should prevent decay (and hence, aging) indefinitely.

There used to be a writer in New York who swore he lived for 9 years on nothing but Twinkies and Cuttey Sark Whiskey.
To anyone who has ever lost a fench fry under the front seat of a car, this is old news....
My boys have that experiment going in several rooms of our house at any given time. :shrug:

Who wants to lay odds the paper biodegrades before the food does?
There was a comedian on TV several years ago that did a bit about archeology and what they have found and he ended with 1000 years from now an archeologist is going to be doing a dig and say “oh look a chicken McNugget”

And after reading the article I do believe he just may be right