• You tell the waiter you're in the mood for finger food, and he brings you chicken fingers.
• Most of the menu specials look like stuff you've seen bobbing around during the Will It Float? segment on David Letterman.
• There's a machine by the front door you can stick your finger in to check your blood pressure on the way out.
• A Hefty Bag is a description of the women sitting at the counter.
• The place has two kinds of to-go bag: doggie bag and body bag.
• Management pays EMS to keep a van in the parking lot in case somebody needs a quick after-lunch heart transplant.
• You order a light dessert like Jell-O, and the waitress says, "I thought that was for wrestlin'."
• The clientele has been complaining about the split pea soup because the peas are too small when you cut them in half.
• When you stop at a convenience store and ask directions, the man says, "Hang a left when you get to the fat guys."
• When you holler, "Hey, Tiny," three guys at the counter try to turn around simultaneously but run into one another.
• You can rent a seat-belt extender to keep from falling off your counter seat.
• Everybody on one side of the room rushes to the other side, and the pies slide out of the case and onto the floor.
• Instead of smoking and no smoking, seating areas are marked "load" and "no load."
• On All U Can Eat night, the fire department's seating capacity drops from 250 to 65.
• You can't get a T-shirt advertising the place any smaller than a double X.
• You ask for a drink, and the waiter just hands you the bottle.
• Velveeta is listed on the menu as a vegetable.
• Your car is safe in the parking lot, but some fat guy keeps trying to drive off in the dessert cart.
Borrowed from the Austin American Statesman Newspaper!
• Most of the menu specials look like stuff you've seen bobbing around during the Will It Float? segment on David Letterman.
• There's a machine by the front door you can stick your finger in to check your blood pressure on the way out.
• A Hefty Bag is a description of the women sitting at the counter.
• The place has two kinds of to-go bag: doggie bag and body bag.
• Management pays EMS to keep a van in the parking lot in case somebody needs a quick after-lunch heart transplant.
• You order a light dessert like Jell-O, and the waitress says, "I thought that was for wrestlin'."
• The clientele has been complaining about the split pea soup because the peas are too small when you cut them in half.
• When you stop at a convenience store and ask directions, the man says, "Hang a left when you get to the fat guys."
• When you holler, "Hey, Tiny," three guys at the counter try to turn around simultaneously but run into one another.
• You can rent a seat-belt extender to keep from falling off your counter seat.
• Everybody on one side of the room rushes to the other side, and the pies slide out of the case and onto the floor.
• Instead of smoking and no smoking, seating areas are marked "load" and "no load."
• On All U Can Eat night, the fire department's seating capacity drops from 250 to 65.
• You can't get a T-shirt advertising the place any smaller than a double X.
• You ask for a drink, and the waiter just hands you the bottle.
• Velveeta is listed on the menu as a vegetable.
• Your car is safe in the parking lot, but some fat guy keeps trying to drive off in the dessert cart.
Borrowed from the Austin American Statesman Newspaper!