How to achieve your goals?


Yellow Belt
Dec 25, 2016
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It's 2017 and we've all made certain commitments. Question is, what's the best way to keep motivated and achieve them?
Commit to them, right them down, share them with people you trust, break them down into smaller chunks, come up with a plan and write that out too. Then track them. What gets measured gets done.
So I set my big goals like "compete in competition X," talk about it with my students/training partners, convince them to participate or help me train, buy the plane tickets and then I'm committed. Now I have forced myself into a hard goal to work for. I work best with hard deadlines.
Have a solid and realistic plan on how you're going to achieve the goal(s). Without a plan, a goal isn't a goal; it's just a wish.
This may make me sound big headed or whatever but the way I do my goals is. Set the goal, complete the goal. I don't set a time frame for it so I have to rush if I want a day of not doing it ill take it but always have the goal on my mind
Don't write them down. Don't mention them to family. Don't tell your friends. Don't even think about them.

Just go, bro.
It's 2017 and we've all made certain commitments. Question is, what's the best way to keep motivated and achieve them?
There are as many best ways to achieve goals as there are best ways to handle a straight punch. You've seen a range of answers, and frankly all of them are good. In my coaching practice, I've helped a lot of folks reach goals. If you've had trouble reaching your goals, then what you did in the past is probably not your "best way", and it's time to try something new. Having others know about it (as well as things like buying the tickets in advance) can help keep you from changing the target when it gets tough. Having it written down ensures you've thought it out (as does having a plan). Having it where you can revisit it frequently (some folks put it on their bathroom mirror, etc.) keeps it in front of you so you can make sure your daily choices are aligned with the goal.

In the end, you still gotta do what Buka said: "Just go, bro."
Commit to them, right them down, share them with people you trust, break them down into smaller chunks, come up with a plan and write that out too. Then track them. What gets measured gets done.
You absolutely need a plan but you also have to follow through on your plan. And if your plan doesn't work than you have to improvise. If you want to meet your goal(s).