How Stupid Does North Korea Think We Are?

In other words, basically option 3, and what they told us was going to happen in Afghanistan and Iraq, before the natives started shooting back. Still need Chinese buy-in, or else they can roll up the peninsula right up to the dmz and try to set up a responsive puppet, as opposed to the rabid guard dog that's there now.

I agree we'd need Chinese buy-in, but no, not your Option #3. We never said we were going to drop bombs on Iraq's supposed WMD and not invade; we planned an invasion. For Afghanistan, we did the same thing. The only 'strategic target' in Afghanistan was OBL, and it was pretty clear we didn't know where he was (conspiracy theorists to the contrary).

I'm talking about what Israel did in Iraq, what they did in Syria. Target nuclear sites and destroy them. Then do what we did in Libya when we bombed Kaddafi's tent/home, only a better job of it; take out the North Korean leadership. No invasion, no occupation. Only possible military action on the ground would be if we were attacked along the DMZ, but with the head cut off the serpent, I would tend to doubt it. Like Mangalores, they don't fight without their leaders telling them what to do; they are not living in a society that supports individual initiative. Cut the head off that snake once and for all and be done with it.

I made that recommendation when Fat Crazy Boy II died, but of course, we didn't do it, and the usual handwringers went on and on about how Fat Crazy Boy III would be different and all loving and stuff comparted to FCBI and FCBII. We lost our best chance in 50 years right there. Stupid to let an opportunity like that pass.
When we say 'WE' lets be sure we are not talking about the North Korean people, but their evil government.

China doesn't want trouble from us, we are their best customer.